
my sister used to work at this ride. She told me that a woman dropped her wallet over the side of the boat and when she reached for it my sister basically screamed not to because the water is full of gears. The screaming alone is a big Disney no no because it ruins the magic. The woman then asked my sister to retrieve


YOU CAN'T DROP THAT LAST BIT and not AT LEAST tell us what the show rhymes with..

You have to say who it is. Or at least drop some clues. PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU.

I had a roommate who ended up being a roommate because she was dating another roommate who then moved out and left her behind with us.

She had a problem with alcohol, and several times got trashed and came into my room at three in the morning while I was sleeping, to climb uninvited into my bed with me. Once, I put a

In this order, she:

then the bear what?

Their what?

I like that she still wants to fit in "dye his carpet pink" between all that evil.

I wonder if it was an error or just...

I think I found a victim of dice shaming. Waiting for the bus on campus yesterday, I found a lonely D10 in the mud. Poor little guy. Had to take him home.

No more internet for you!

This comment wins all the things.

Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Enjoy the veal and tip your wait staff.

Psh, when I get 100 balls for my birthday everyone just slut-shames me :(

I hope we all reserve judgement on what the mother should or shouldn't have done and just enjoy this really freakin' adorable video of a kid doing kid stuff. My ovaries explode for cute little baby voices :3

This is so true and funny that it made me cry. That's normal, right?

I hear you, but I feel like what she was recommending was so over-the-top (cover your friend with a blanket! got a solid laugh) that it shows the absurd lengths women have to go to to protect themselves. They're almost satirizing the people who put the responsibility on women. But I could be reading it with