
Although, for the record, I only mocked a few people.

they need the money more than KFC does, but do you realize franchises are private owners who also have families to support and bills to pay? Whatever this poor little girl has suffered, if the grandmother lied, it's not okay to pick any business to set up as a fall guy so you can pay your medical bills by creating an

Also libel against a local franchisee and employees. For every massive corporation there is an employee taking your order or folding your shirt. Would you still feel OK if that location lost their franchise because of backlash and the people working their lost their jobs?

That shows an uncommon amount of good sense. You know this is the Internet, right? We don't usually have people like you here...

If this is a huge hoax/scam, then the family isn't going to find a lot of sympathy for being the target of this kind of backlash. However, if they did this because they legitimately couldn't fund their daughter's medical care, that's depressing on a whole other level

1) Consensual bondage/dominance/resistance sexual play has absolutely nothing to do with rape. The definition of rape is nonconsent. Words. They're so hard.

i don't....think you the word faux is pronounced

You saying that something does not exist won't make it go away. Perhaps religious feminism doesn't exist in your conceptualization of the movement, but plenty of other people know its real because they ARE religious feminists, and nothing you can tell them will change that. Millions of women don't want to have to

Maybe you are trying to seem critical and intelligent, but you just come across as needlessly hostile and mean. Also, all human beings have many complexities when it comes to their values and identities. Just something to think about.

Settle down, Mark. This is more reporting than CNN has done in ages.

Thank you for your tireless dedication to journalism, sir.

It's the closed eyes in a couple of the portraits that get me skeezed out. WHY ARE THEIR EYES CLOSED?!?

We don't know if this owner of the dog is the one responsible for the aggression issues. Scrappy could have been a rescue and these people were trying to give him a second chance. I have read that this dog slipped out as they were opening the garage door. So it's not like they were turning a complete blind eye to

This is just sad. That dog didn't have a chance to be a decent pet. He needed proper socialization and training. Instead, a kid's life was threatened and the dog had to be killed. Very sad.

I love me some dog but what else can you do with a dog that runs up to a little boy minding his own business and starts biting the shit out of him? Maybe theoretically you could have someone adopt him who lived in the boonies and swore to never let him out of their sight but realistically?

I'm impressed that your coal mine has internet access!

I hope to hell she ended up with the hot dude who actually appreciates EVERY aspect of her.

I disagree, because at the point where it was made VERY clear that his girlfriend would be unhappy in this relationship, it was clear they wanted different things. Its not a relationship when one person is so clearly emotionally distraught and your "dick feelings" take precedence over the emotional pain you are

This happened to me decades ago in my misspent youth. Guy I loved with all my heart wanted an open relationship. I didn't, but said okay. I got a date the same day and he was SHOCKED. I can still taste the sweet revenge. It never occurred to him that I would get as much action as I did. He was, in all fairness,

Most guys who think they "settled" have no idea that they actually hit the jackpot for their attractiveness level until there is some sort of rude awakening.