
I think we have to be careful handing out death sentences for any bite. If a dog goes ape-shit chainsaw on someone, yes. But what about when I trip and accidentally step on my sleeping dog, who - shocked and disoriented - nips at me and breaks the skin? There is a very broad continuum of dog bites and intentions

Especially the attempt to drag the kid away. That is full-on predator behaviour, not defensive.

We at Team Dog regret this incident and plan on investigating further.

What a good cat, holy crap. I hope the mayor gives it the key to the city.

What the fuck, dog? That was a real dick move!

Too bad he tweeted today at 2:24 PM instead of 4:11 PM. That would've taken it to another level.

A friend of mine was just informed by Facebook that her cover photo contained obscene nudity and had to be removed. It's a picture of her three month old baby lying on his belly, and the side of the baby's butt is visible - no crack, no genitals. Seriously, people? Who gets offended by stuff like this?

If only the comma was a semicolon, I'd agree.

Oh, horseshit. It's 2014. Let kids wear what they want. The school doesn't even have a dress code for prom, so she's not breaking any rules. And that outfit is fucking chic.

This video is pure schadenfreude. Only... I'm smiling and laughing with my WHOLE face.

I think there's a case to be made that it's a quick way to show loved ones you are just fine. I imagine if I knew one of my loved ones had just been involved in some horrible accident and I couldn't be at their side immediately, I would be thrilled to see a photo of them just for reassurance they were okay.

I've got no problem with the victims of car accidents, plane crashes, and tornadoes taking their selfies. They're the ones who experienced the trauma. They can deal with it how they choose to.

It's disgusting how these people are flaunting their disaster privilege. Not everyone gets to survive a disaster; some of us are unlucky enough not to have experienced public suicide attempts, stabbings or crashes at all. How can I get in on the trend? Do I have to create my own disaster now? Ugh, I'll never be

"Me. Me me, me me, me me me me me me. Me, me me. Further more, me." — all these people

Yep, major difference between the selfies of the survivors and the selfies of the gaping assholes on the highway choosing someone's suicide attempt as background.

Ya see kids, the 80's looked like that in real life.

The fact that this guy keeps playing despite numerous bites on the hand is pretty metal though, right?

Thanks, Obama!

Aw, it's like Amelie.