
His reveal of Rodney Dangerfield's darkest secret is incredible.

I liked Rapace in Prometheus, but she was the worst part of Rupture, which was already a pretty dumb movie. Like, plank-of-wood C-grade never-seen-again acting.

GIS'd "baby skunk" and I cannot account for the following three hours.

Maybe if United flies the rabbit back to England, it will come back to life dot dot dot question mark

Hmmm… Brendan Fraser career arc probability increasing…

But those "Jack White loves baseball" promotion photos were so choice. A somehow extra-super-pasty Jack scowling in the bleachers under a mop of bedhead. Baseball, kids!

Absolutely. They have one of the best track records of any recording artists in pop music. It's amazing how negative everyone is. At the same time, I'll never forget this summary from the 1995 Spin Alternative Album Guide: "There are people who know a little about music and love U2. Then there are people who know

I think my favorite angle on this is just how completely and utterly toxic U2 have become. I know they've been hated for decades at this point, and the itunes stunt upped the ante, but man, this "WTF is U2 doing on here, they'll totally screw it up" / "oh thank god Bono just sang a little outro, they're not really

The only movie I've ever walked out on was, of all things, Guy Maddin's The Saddest Music in the World. I was on a serious David Lynch kick at the time, and the local reviews praised Saddest Music as a surrealist masterpiece without really describing the style. I had no idea who Guy Maddin was, so I was surprised

This one is my favorite… It's as cartoony as the rest, but it captures the water phases as you cross the various orbits. These discoveries are blowing my mind, a welcome ray of light these days. Apologies for the sincere post.

Yes, I agree with Mario.

C'mon, people. This is the same august body that created a Hard Rock award and then immediately awarded it to Jethro Tull. The Grammys is someone who gets female-to-male surgery specifically to shoot themselves in the dick.

And these days only half of them are wearing Vick jerseys!

The first time I went to a Five Guys was the grand opening of their first Atlanta restaurant. I think one of the Five Guys was there. Or at least some old fat guy was walking around smoking a cigar like he owned the place (note to self: do this when I get older). The burger was decent. But the fries, oh goodness,

Or they'll straight-up cut everything, and ten years from now, people will be all "have the government fund art projects? That's crazy!"

"Stupidest" is being kind. It's one the rare foods that looks the same going in and coming out.

Hey- I just realized this was the same feature that had those "ride a giant animal" and "what would you do as a supervillain" questions. The new questions are actually good! Quality work, people! Third time's a charm!

I've been annoyed by my birthday- more specifically, annoyed by people who want me to acknowledge my birthday- since I turned 30. But I leveled up when I turned 40- now I'm annoyed by other people's birthdays as well. Not the existence of birthdays per se, but the "lets all go to the neighborhood bar, and here's a

FWIW, Flash Gordon and Dune were both Dino De Laurentiis joints, so that connection isn't a coincidence. Excalibur (and Zardoz!!) was by John Boorman, in his swingin' for the fences stage of his career. I'm positive Boorman never worked with De Laurentiis, because the resulting movie would've swallowed our galaxy in