
Glad two songs from “Welcome to Wherever You Are” are here. That, to me, is a vastly underrated album, and ofen left off of “Best of the ‘90s” considerations. I can remember a review of it back-handedly complimented it as “Achtung Maybe,” but I do think it stands (admittedly off to the side ...) of U2's best ‘90s

*Names changed for privacy*

Presumably, we know who you're voting for since you stated it above... You're not even paying attention to yourself!

7 seasons in 16 years doesn’t exactly shout ‘we have an idea of where we’re going with this’.

Starship Troopers is an amazing movie, David Roth is an incredible writer and Great Hills Partners are among the biggest group of fart-huffing, self-satisfied morons in a fetid sea of private equity vultures.

It’s not about a nuanced conversation - You cannot cure gender dysphoria with anything short of gender confirming hormone therapy and surgery. Yes, you need to aid that transition with therapy, but that is not meant nor should it be meant to talk them out of it. Suggesting that trans people are confused is not

I know it’s probably a difficult time for Harry Potter fans and they may be starting to get embarrassed about their HP fandom, but if it’s any help, they should have already been deeply embarrassed about being Harry Potter fans.

Exactly! It’s not Rian Johnson’s fault that JJ Abrams thinks you can just dump ideas for a mystery without any plan to solve them until the last minute if at all. It’s like people who go out of their way to blame The Last Jedi for Rise of Skywalkers’ failings forget how Abrams’ Mystery Box works.

And for best Lovecraft-inspired film, top honors go to The Void.

Favorite film adaptation of Lovecraft: I will go with the silent film version of The Call of Cthulhu by  a slight margin over Stuart Gordon’s From Beyond 

now I want to see a movie trailer that starts “WHEN THE LAST BOOMER DIES...THEY...WILL...RISE!”

I go the other way. The fact that JJ Abrams has issues with The Last Jedi only confirms my feeling that it’s a masterpiece.

Overlooking the performances in that series almost renders this list as useless as tits on a boar hog.

Well, no one alive has worked a desk job for 20 years, so we can only speculate on the accuracy of this.