
FYI we already have a “system for converting rotary motion into unidirectional motion.” It’s usually called a “wheel.”

When the last boomer dies, will people still be talking about Altamont? jfc

I’ve come across a lot of these lists lately *for some reason* and Chernobyl is getting no love at all. Don’t understand it.

Good to see our dystopian future is coming along right on schedule. Won’t be long now.

Well, no one alive has worked a desk job for 20 years, so we can only speculate on the accuracy of this.

Limbo. Unconstructed dream space. Just raw, infinite subconscious. Nothing is down there. Except for whatever that might have been left behind by whoever's sharing the dream who was trapped down there before.

Limbo. Unconstructed dream space. Just raw, infinite subconscious. Nothing is down there. Except for whatever that might have been left behind by whoever's sharing the dream who was trapped down there before.

Limbo. Unconstructed dream space. Just raw, infinite subconscious. Nothing is down there. Except for whatever that might have been left behind by whoever's sharing the dream who was trapped down there before.

This is one of those fights where everyone loses. Yay, more ways to do gated snare. Definitely need more of that.

Ugh, god, the greys. Shit's gonna get real.

What's hilarious to me is that this very discussion thread would be unreadable on kinja. Look how many sub-threads are spinning off, how many indents. Enjoy it while it lasts, chummers. I've been reading and commenting on Deadspin for years, where everyone complains about kinja and it never improves.

My father is a GOD of THUNDER and my mother is a GIANT GOOSE, and far and wide I am known as HATCHED LIGHTNING!!! Wait, what was the question?

Really, it sounds like good signs are there. If you wanna be all smooooof about it, just ask if she wants to get some coffee after the meeting or the workday or whatever. If she's all "sure!!!" then meet for coffee and see where it goes. Anything else, and you can play it off as a collegial non-date sort of thing.

Wow, really makes you think…. If I stencil my name on my neighbor's car, does that make it mine? Hmmm! Can't think of a reason why not!

If Dowd is a hard A, then he's also an easy B, because this movie was shiiiiiit.

Sir, I believe the correct term is "wood ape."

Holy shit, I thought "wood ape" was a Simpsons reference, but that is apparently what cryptozoologists actually call this particular made-up thing. Wow. That is wonderful light in these dark times.

if they ADR'd every Gambit line with clips from that "I gar-on-tee!" Cajun chef show, I would be first in line.

Jesus, Dad Rock is starting to become my least favorite term in music criticism. It's clearly a negative, but doesn't say anything beyond "vaguely 70's singer-songwriter-y in a way the reviewer don't like" as far as I can tell. Try to put some work into it, guys.

Hey, he doesn't have many years left. Can't waste'em typing words out! (I am also old, but I am totally fine wasting time)