


Decoherence is a generally accepted (and I believe correct) explanation for quantum state reduction without observers. Decoherence is the destructive interference between quantum states, like how two opposing sine waves add up to a flat line. But the rest of it is a can of worms that people are still arguing about.

"Oh, la-di-da, a memoir. Listen to mister fancy over here"

Huh! Based on what I saw, I'm sure they have a particle physicist giving them advice, and that would be an easy error to catch. Maybe it was sacrificed for an easy joke. It's been awhile, but I recall seeing correct (though relatively basic) equations from general relativity and quantum electrodynamics on a

Here's what I posted about BBT many moons ago (it's still true):

Oh, it knows what it did. It knows.

Ernie Ball Super Locks doing okay for me these days.

Man, I found out about that strap-lock part the hard way. I was all "hey guys, no unplugged cords on this side!" *WHUMP* *BZZZZZRRRMMMM* *dent* "SHIT."

Woah, sideman's solo album not that great. Thank god for the heads-up, AV Club.

What! War on dinner?! Get me a white supremacist to vote for! I am a rational person and this is the only rational choice!

I think about this question all the time, which is probably more than I should. Are there fewer really high quality rock bands compared to rap/hip hop/pop, or has the entertainment media had a sea change where the current crop of writers is just sick of white guys with guitars (fucking Slate, ugh), and so it just

That attitude most certainly does still exist, but the bands playing it get tagged with "retro-revival" and other descriptors that imply they're basically one step above cover bands. The Struts and Biters come immediately to mind. If they succeed at this attitude is a judgement call, but they're definitely going

This is a great point, which is a variant of the Ship of Theseus argument. Just wanted to add that it's also an underlying theme in the Ghost in the Shell movies. People keep augmenting their brains with expanded memory and offline processing, and then it's a natural next step to move the memory and processing

The appearance of CAH or Settlers of Catan indicates that the fun part of the party is over.

World on a Wire would be the more accurate movie reference, since the idea is that our entire existence is part of the simulation; we don't have any meat bodies at all, let alone powering some goof-up robot world. World on a Wire is also superior to the Matrix on every level except FX, if you can handle my piping hot

The worst was when I'd pick up the paper, and some asshole had taken a red sharpie and written "First!" at the bottom of every article.

That was a fun album. I think it was produced by Dave Friedmann and had the Flaming Lips as the backup band, which is a hell of a support group. I remember thinking it sounded like a down-market Yoshimi/Soft Bulletin, which is still pretty good.

This is actually kind of true, right? Didn't he give Abrams a prequels-esque rough draft and Abrams was all "uhh… yeah, we're going in a different direction"?

Inspired by this discussion, I queued up Is This It after not listening to it for years. Just listened to Soma, and it's so good. It's so fucking good. I do like their later stuff, and snapped up their new EP the moment it came out, but there's no comparison. I wonder what happened? Too much pressure to not