
100% agree. In my head, "classic Strokes" starts with Is This it and ends with "You Only Live Once." Weird to have an era end one song into an album. I still like the FIoE and the ballsy "Juicebox" but it's almost like a different band.

Enough, UK! Quit trying to make grime happen!

I played the song (which I'm not familiar with) while reading the article, and I have never been more nonplussed in my life. Just completely nonplussed. 0% plus.

I'm a physicist. When I meet someone new and they hear what I do for a living, they sooner or later ask if I watch the Big Bang Theory. I say no. They then follow up with "you should, it's really funny."

"This has no impact on the fucking question, Senator, but are they both lady animals, or what is the story there? I can't tell where the gender-norm/furry-style-choice line is."
- from the transcript of the U.S. Senate subcommittee hearings on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

Someone is finally talking some sense!

"In Soviet Russia, Charlie Brown puts YOU in title"

I've love these lists where Kid A, Carousel, and a Jack Kirby comic are all entries in equal standing. Shine on, you crazy motherfuckers.

Ah, don't let it bother ya none. The dude shat on Mulholland Drive *and* Lost Highway *and* the fucking Elephant Man, and then recommended Fire Walk With Me instead. Either he's taking the piss, or he's watching with very different eyes (that I think he pried out of a bum's head at the direction of whatever crazy

The next Radiohead video should be a remake of Wham!'s "Everything She Wants" with Ed O'Brien in the Andrew Ridgeley role.

Creative Loafing had a big article about Delgo while the movie was still in-process. It was very "Atlanta is home to the next Pixar!" From their description, it didn't sound all that great, but there was no inkling of the nuclear bomb to come.

Are you sure? Because I'd swear I already did.

This is indeed the Age of Great Tribulation, just like the preacher said.

Oooh, I haven't seen the reprints. That is interesting. Totleben is my favorite MM artist- perfect artist for that particular storyline- but I like how inventive Buckingham is. I'm now really curious what the reprints look like.

Yeah, I'd totally expect them to put Retrieval at the beginning of the Silver Age collection, considering it was a slow-burn lead up to reveal, uh, some guy.

I think this season of Serial would've been better as a book. It's just so dense with people stepping in and out of the story, intricate political and military situations, and no clear through line to hold on to. I've noticed that if I listen to Serial while driving, after about 10 minutes I have no idea what

Next Canadian who makes it onto Jeopardy- please, please, please end all your question-responses with "eh?" Oh God, please.

He'll alway be Roger Batamajig to me.

Welp, guess not.

How about this for getting older: I literally drive by Magic City every night on the way home from work, and I had no idea any of this was going on. I would just see a lot of random dudes walking around a random parking lot while I sat in backed-up traffic, and the only visible business was this incredibly seedy