
And this is why I found ways to throw money at the NFL and get every game, live, no blackouts. I don’t want to have to guess what games I’m going to get, I don’t want to buy a direct tv package and have blackouts. I throw money at the NFL, I throw money at a VPN service, and I get every game. I can watch who I want,

When I was looking into Snapshot, there were some really absurd rules... Such as driving after 11 PM and before 5 AM put you in a “high-risk” category and automatically dinged you as if you were a bad driver. My husband works late nights (he gets home anywhere between midnight and 3 AM) and they wanted to penalize us

I’m not talking about it smelling like mayo. I’m talking about the smell of rancid oil. No amount of furniture polish is going to help with that.

No, but you might care if your table smells bad... Who wants a smelly table?

The mayo may not go rancid in 24 hours, but the oils in the mayo are organic/plant-based oils. Those CAN go bad — and those are what penetrates the wood. Those oils remain behind after you wipe the mayo away. It’s the same reason why you should never use such oils on your wooden cutting boards.

PLEASE don’t do this. Mayo can go rancid. All you’re doing is using the oils in the mayo to ‘treat’ the wood (and I use the word ‘treat’ loosely). If you’re going to do this, go with mineral oil — the same stuff used to oil cutting boards. It’s used because it doesn’t spoil/go rancid. The last thing you really want is

Hey there, friend! You realize that post is 5 years old now, right? :) I appreciate you trying to help, but I've moved on from that place.

There' s something to be said for living within your means. My husband and I own a small home - roughly 950 sq ft. Two bedroom, tiny bath. One of the bedrooms is a master bedroom, and the other is our office, which doubles as a guest room when people stay over. However, right now? Our "guest bed" is a camping air

I work 7:30 AM to 6 PM. My husband works 4 PM to midnight or later. I have Saturdays and half of Sundays (I work 9 AM - 12:30 on Sundays) off. He has Sunday and Thursdays off. I am asleep by the time he gets home and he is asleep when I get up. We are the epitome of opposite schedules.

It's rough. It can completely

I think this goes hand-in-hand with leaving work at work and not bringing it home with us in the evenings. And I don't even mean physically bringing your work home, but mentally — once you're home, you don't need to think of a solution for problem y at work. You can do that tomorrow. You need to give yourself time to

Yeeeeeeah. So, practically none of this is possible for paycheck-to-paycheck me. Besides the simple things like checking your credit and having a shoestring budget I stick to, I fail just about everything on this list. I'm already convinced I'll never retire, so I'm somehow not surprised...

There are fish out there that can live for years, and many species can live over a decade; some can even live over two decades. You can get attached to a pet fish just like any other pet — you see them every day, you make sure their habitat is suitable for them, you feed them. They do have personalities. Some fish are

StackOverflow has a great answer to this:

"A computer program is a set of instructions that can be executed on a computer.
An application is software that directly helps a user perform tasks.

Obviously YMMV... but ours is definitely cheaper. It doesn't hurt to shop around. Try looking in the "worse" parts of town — I hate to say it, but they'll have the same product for much lower prices than you'd pay in an affluent area.

I'm sorry you've had such a bad experience? I have used logitech products for years and they're probably my go-to at this point. Maybe a dumb question, but did you bother contacting support? They can be pretty good about those things...

Although, to be fair, I was only using the Logitech G510 as an example of the

In addition to this, FIND A GOOD LOCAL BUTCHER. We eat meatless probably 2 - 3 nights a week, but we also buy 90% of our groceries from a little mom & pop butcher that also supplies some veggies & fruits. They don't have an incredible selection, so get rid of those dreams of 5-star dinners, but it's all fresh and

Oh, I know they happen! I don't worry about it terribly much, I just think it's a small consideration for those that are invited into my place. They know it won't be super clean, but I also don't want them to suffer needlessly if a quick 5 or 10 minute sweep keeps things better for them. We have laminate floors too,

Those are the worst!

I can appreciate this article, to a point. I have two cats, and I frequently have people drop in my house — that have allergies to pet hair. Pet hair doesn't bother me, but I definitely try to make sure that we pick up and keep the cat hair at bay so that my guests don't feel uncomfortable. I don't OMGCLEAN every day,

My hubby and I are sort of in the same position. We're both underemployed, so spending money on "fun" things all the time isn't exactly do-able. What we try to do is spend money on fun things that will last a long time, like games. I have a monthly subscription to an MMO, and he has games that have high replay value,