
Wow, that's super cute!

I actually just bought a new bag yesterday as an everyday carry. I highly recommend your tip of trying out the bag with some stuff in it.

I don't know where you come from, but pretty much every facial masque and face moisturizer is unscented (or has a very, very light scent)... Products for your face are made completely different than moisturizer/creams/lotions for the rest of your body.

That. Is. Amazing.

Oh, it's not a sheet of glass. It's a sheet of "glass-slash-backsplash tile" as in... you can use glass tiles that are usually used for backsplashes in the kitchen! You can probably use any kind of tile you like, I just used the glass kind. :)

Stuff like this:…

I sort-of did something similar, but not quite.

I went and got:
* a piece of crown molding about a foot and a half long
*a can of stain (I used PolyShades, so I didn't need poly)
*some gold cup-hooks
*a sheet of glass/backsplash tiles from the kitchen department
*some glue (I used E600)

From here, it's pretty

Just so you're aware — oil doesn't add moisture to your hair. It helps seal moisture in, if it's already there. If your hair is dry and you apply the oil to your hair when dry, it effectively locks OUT moisture, if the humidity of the air is higher than the moisture content of your hair. The best thing to do with oil

I find I focus too much on the negative. Yeah, there's bad things going on in my life — always will be. Instead, I try to find a little bit of the positive every day. Underemployed sucks, but that means I have more time every day to spend with my husband, my cats, and time to work on projects that otherwise wouldn't

I used to feel like I "should" be able to draw when I was much younger; I took lots of art classes and I think I'm mediocre, at best. Give me architecture and I can draw passably-ish, but give me humans or still life, or anything based off of those and I can't draw them at all. I actually love designing technical

I work in IT, support & programming. In my free time I love to read, quilt, and knit. Creative recreation vs. technical occupation. I do notice, however, that the patterns I use and create when I'm quilting & knitting tend to be more structured, geometrical, math-based than the free-form patterns I see others using. I

Knit, crochet, quilt, embroider. That covers the tv-able spectrum pretty well (I also include stuff like Netflix in that category).

You can freeze these, too. If you're not careful they'll absorb freezer-smell, and you can't soak them and then freeze them, but you CAN freeze them and use them as a cold pack if you like. I do this all the time in the summer to cool off, and throughout the year if I need to reduce swelling on my knee.

They're not only good for heat, but they're good for cold, too. I keep one in the freezer if I need a cold-pack for something. For the warm ones, I hate getting into bed and having my feet be cold, so I'll warm one up and toss it in between the sheets where my feet would be about 10 minutes before I go to sleep. I

Renters can take care of small issues in their place, and the landlord takes a bit off the rent for that month. Depending on the purchase/item, sometimes it can be a large amount. Or perhaps you overpaid last month, or you're getting a renewal discount. Or, maybe the Mortgage & Rent also include property taxes — that

I keep my notebooks in chronological order, so if you give me the date of the meeting, sure. Searchable? No, but I can still find it. I tried the Evernote cataloging thing but I never found the added work worth it.

I'm not sure how I feel about this notebook. It's certainly a novel concept, but how quickly are you going to lose pages? How long before the notebook pages look frayed and dirty because you're sliding them in the book? Or unprofessional because you didn't take the time to line all the pages before sliding them in?


This sounds similar to what we did with an old nook color. Threw android on there, but instead of using Nova Launcher, I used Tasker to cycle through certain apps every 5 minutes or so. And we reassigned the power buttons to move through the app stack.

I've seen these around, and I've contemplated making one, but my only issue is heat. Won't storing your spices next to the fridge, that gives off a ton of heat, destroy the spices? They say not to put your spices over your stove/oven for the same reasons, so I imagine that would apply, but I don't know.

I've had pretty good success using the binder-clip method and your standard-issue velcro ties.

There are cheap $15 2-cup coffee pots you can get that won't break the bank, and are small and easy to store. Before I bought my keurig, I had one of these, since I am the only one in the house that drinks coffee. You can buy a package of ground coffee and keep it in the refrigerator to extend its shelf-life.