
I’d much rather go to a cobber, play them $20, and have my shoes still look like the shoes I love than try to “save” them with tips like these. Cobblers still exist.

OPI, China Glaze, and Zoya are some of my go-to brands. Essie, but some of their formulas can be hit-or-miss. Depending on the particular color, they may be sheer and require multiple coats (the general rule for non-sheer colors is two thin coats, allowed to dry in between, is better than one thick coat. Sheer colors

I sent them an email, we’ll see what they say. I hope they see it sooner rather than later though. Maybe I should try their chat support...

I sent them an email, we’ll see what they say. I hope they see it sooner rather than later though. Maybe I should

Man, now I’m bummed. I just purchased my Huawei not 2 weeks ago from Amazon... :(

Man, now I’m bummed. I just purchased my Huawei not 2 weeks ago from Amazon... :(

I would love to see artisans (not necessarily artists, per se). Woodworkers, weavers — those that make things with their hands. Those that work outdoors, in dirty jobs, etc. People that work with things of astronomical scale — either very very big, or very very tiny.

Limoncello is a liqueur made by steeping lemon zest in a neutral spirit (if making at home, try with vodka) for awhile, and then combined with a simple syrup. It’s light, lemony, and depending on how much simple syrup is added ranges from ‘just barely sweet’ to ‘oh dear lord what is this’

Hopefully adding this to un-sweetened applesauce. I can’t image how thick and cloying this tip would be if you add maple syrup to already-sweetened/HFCS applesauce. You wouldn’t be able to taste the apple anymore, I don’t think...

I’ve heard that, but here’s the thing... None of the activities I listed above really require my full intense attention. Might I miss something on a tv show? Sure. Do I really care? Not so much. If I do, I can always rewind. Or I can stop my other activity. If I’m knitting and make a mistake, I can easily go back and

It’s not even that. It’s that I don’t have near enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do if I have to do everything one thing at a time...

My car has keyless entry and button start, as well as a button on the doorhandle I can use to lock the doors. If I do happen to have my keys in the car and I try to lock the doors using the doorhandle button... my car beeps and lets me know. So I definitely can’t lock my keys in the car.

The Sonata does this as well.

Depends on the activity. If the pattern is simple enough, I can knit and crochet without looking at what I’m doing - I might look at my work once every few minutes just to make sure I didn’t spectacularly screw it up. Spinning doesn’t take my full attention, and since I use a drop spindle my point of focus is usually

I knit, crochet, spin, work on papercraft, embroider, quilt, or even play video games. I can’t stand the thought of just sitting there watching something and not being busy.

Or, you can do what my husband does: Take a piece of cheese and chew it, then pop the pill in your mouth before you swallow. Done.

That sounds amaaaaaaazing.

The Android Auto integration with my car that does this is one of the main selling points of my car. I love being able to tap a button and dictate my text, have it read back to me, and then send. It’s not necessarily a function I use frequently, but it’s absolutely fantastic when I do need to use it. And when a text

I use a fairly advanced app called ‘Tasker’ that can automate a whole range of stuff, including reading the weather. However it’s not really an “install, select two things, done” kind of app so unless you’re really into tinkering it might not be for you. It’s also one of the pricier apps out there on the market.

Have your phone read it to you! Then you don’t have to look at it, and you still know the weather. :)

Uhh... Chromecast?

Depends. Do you want to pay the NFL to be able to stream games? Or would you rather pirate? I’m not up to speed on the pirate streams anymore, but there’s an NFL Streams subreddit that populates with links every weekend. If you want to pay the NFL, you can use GamePass and a VPN. GamePass streams live games outside