
Hmm.....I don’t know about this. If “deleting” my worries were as easy as writing them down and saying I’m not going to worry about them any more then I would never worry about anything.

As a vegetarian who is highly against the killing of animals for unnecessary things like fur:

Most fiber artists I know have projects for various activities. I usually have 3-4 projects going at the same time, all requiring different levels of concentration. If I’m watching something new then I pull out an easy project that I don’t need to look at. If I’m in the mood to watch Star Trek again then I can work on

But will it shred your hand when it decides that the belly-rub is sufficient?

Alternatively, in America, you would have been left with crushing debt if you could manage access to the treatments at all.

It sounds like (no pun intended) that it’s dependent on the surgeon and their staff. Personally, if I’m having surgery, I don’t care what music my surgeon listens to, it at all, if its going to help them do the best job they can.

Drunken Apples

I don’t even understand this at all anymore. Hold down the home button, say “siri, text person, Hey, I’ll be there soon. Need me to pick anything up?”. Siri responds and asks you if you want to send it, you say yes, keeping eyes on the road the whole time, and only briefly feeling for the home button.

If said person

thanks dad

We’re in the middle of various renovations, and one trick I’ve noticed all the builders etc use is to bend the tape back on itself and push it into the corner. This way they can get measurements of ceilings, for example, that they can’t reach, and it’s more stable than trying to push the single end up there.

I had an apartment neighbor many years ago that would have friends over frequently. Usually very low-key.

I’ve lost just one partner to HIV and remain best friends with an ex who’s HIV+. I’ve friends who’ve been poz for more than twenty-five years, some of whom have personal phone books they still can’t bring themselves to destroy.

Holy shit people. If you’re so sensitive that seeing an old life event post causes you distress in the present, don’t post about the topic on social media to begin with. Talk about FWP.

I love the “lifehack” fixes that are more expensive than just doing it right the first time.

What’s wrong with spackle? It’s like $4 for a small container at every hardware store, non toxic and water clean up. Apply with finger, wait a few minutes and wipe with a damp sponge. Done. Superglue? No thanks for this use and I work with cyanoacrylate adhesives almost daily for other (proper) uses at my business.

Because of how some houses insulation is, you need to put the values at higher or lower than you would think for the house to be comfortable.

About two years ago we decided to take all electronic screens out of our bedroom. No TV, no tablets, no cell phones. We will occasionally bring a Kindle to bed, but it's rare.

I'm sorry, but this is one of those "life hacks" that should never see the light of day. Just because something can be used to temporarily make your furniture shiny doesn't mean you should use it.

Never lend. Make it a gift. I know some say "never lend money you can't afford to lose", but I think that is taking a middle road that hurts the relationship as you're still pretending it is a loan.
There is a master/servant relationship between the lender and borrower, and it is unavoidable. Regardless of your