
Most likely I'll end up at the community college where I started — I know the faculty pretty well, as well as the head of the business department. I'm hoping that after a few years in the "real world" they'll take me on as an adjunct, and eventually I can end up with a full-time position (although I've spoken with the

Lately, they've been pushing promos for their own shows at the end of movies or when I finish another series. I finished watching The Cleveland Show a month ago, and they auto-played the ad at the end of series, as if it was auto-playing another episode. And again, two nights ago when I decided to watch the Hunger

No. The state that I live in doesn't really allow for it. I really, really wanted to teach. I got involved with technology at a young age, and in high school was lucky enough to have programming classes and hardware classes available to me. I was absolutely determined to teach something like that.

It didn't pan out

I always wondered if I was odd as a child, because I could do this exact thing. I never needed an alarm clock because before I fell asleep, I would repeat to myself a few times what time I wanted to wake up. I can only recall a few times where this hasn't worked, and I chalk it up to excessive hours spent awake or

There's no reason you can't go to an optometrist and get your prescription and then take that online. I have a pretty hefty prescription (-5.25 and -6.50, with astigmatism), but I make sure to get all my measurements from my optometrist, and I let my optometrist know I am getting my glasses online — he'll adjust and

Funny, this is something I've noticed in myself lately. Always slouching, always leaning on something. I can't get comfortable in a chair unless I'm leaning to the left or right, my arm propped up on the armrest, head propped by my hand. If I'm at a desk it's that typical nerd/comp-sci slouch all the way. It's been

Depends on what kind of games (and what kind of projector), I've noticed. If you're playing fighters (or FPSs where you need to be super accurate), they're not fantastic. If you're playing just about anything else, they seem to be great. We use a projector at our place for gaming; hubby and I play halo4 with little

But that's the best part!

Haha, yeah, I saw that a few hours after I posted. With lack of an edit button, well, not much to do other than let composting do it's magic... :)

No problem! They're silly easy to make yourself — all it takes is a little fabric, a sewing machine, some rice, and about a half hour. There's tutorials all over the net for them! I think I actually got the idea from lifehacker some years ago... :)

The rice bag that you pop in the freezer works for us, especially at night; I hate sleeping when my feet are worm so I grab two bags from the freezer and pop one in between the sheets near where my feet are, and the other goes on my back or neck or wherever. It cools enough to get to sleep. In the morning, we just

How do you account for the 4 - 5 hours it'll take my hair to dry? Even if I use a blow-dryer it'll take an hour. If I'm trying to get showered and done in under 15 minutes, and even if I do use leave-in (which is not a bad idea... you can even use a bit of regular condition as a leave-in), I *still* won't be done in

How do you account for the 4 - 5 hours it'll take my hair to dry? Even if I use a blow-dryer it'll take an hour. If I'm trying to get showered and done in under 15 minutes, and even if I do use leave-in (which is not a bad idea... you can even use a bit of regular condition as a leave-in), I *still* won't be done in

I'm the same way. I keep one of those rice bags (that are amazing in summer) in the freezer, year-round, just for those occasional times where my feet are far too warm to let me sleep.

Sure, I'll do that, but then it'll look like a rat's nest the rest of the day and even worse than had I just used the powder shampoo.

There's this amazing invention to dry your hair... that also causes a ton of damage in the long run! Which can eventually lead to breakage, frizz, and knots! Which then just makes your problems worse... Not ton mention, even if some people did use a hair dryer it would take an hour to dry the hair! So a quick-fix like

Hello, fellow long-hair! Quick question: Have you tested weather your hair has too much moisture in it (or rather, a lack of protein)? I find that when my hair has too much moisture (mostly from conditioners that have some kind of moisture-lock) my hair will get frizzy and out of control. The minute I switch to a

1. Just because your hair is a little oily doesn't mean that you are smelly or haven't showered.

It really depends on the temperment of any individual animal. I am also a college student, and I do have a job, so there's a few days a week where I'm gone 12 or 13 hours of the day. On the flip side, there's 1 day that I'm home the entire day, and 3 days where I'm gone less than five hours. I have two cats.

One of my

I have no idea how his could work. If anything, the alcohol and vodka are going to dry out the hair and make it harder to detangle the hair (not to mention that the lemon juice would make it sticky?), not easier... things that would make it easier is apple cider vinegar rinses, rinsing our hair with cool water, and