
I actually really like this idea... maybe break up the calendar into the individual calendars (books, cons, etc) so that we can sync with only the ones we really care about!

My e-mail IS my cover letter, word-for-word. I make a note of this at the bottom of the email, and also note that a copy of the cover letter is attached as a PDF. I then attach my resume as a PDF and send. This way, they have it if they want it, but they don't need to go to the extra effort of opening it if they don't

Central CT here... 2 bed/1ba 1k sq ft. for 70k. We tax the shit out of you, though. Just a short train ride away from NYC and I don't have to deal with the pretentious yuppies all the time...

You need to stay at better hotels. I've stayed at sub-$100/night hotels near Boston that will give you hangars... and a keurig, and iron/ironing board, and TWO mounted rolls of toilet paper (with one roll going over, and one roll going under...)

I would imagine most people don't have laser printers at home? Hell, I still label packages by hand...

Oh god. How often do you go shopping? I couldn't possibly do a week's worth of shopping using just my arms.

What, no love for shampoo bars? Most shampoo bars are oils/essential oils and a little bit of scent. Ever since I switched to shampoo bars, my scalp issues have disappeared. I used to have very bad dandruff. I tried all the shampoos for it. I tried apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, moisture treatments... everything!

I never see Tasker using battery in Settings > Battery, so at the very least Tasker uses less than 2% battery (since that's the lowest amount I see other apps listing). :)

Look into Tasker (Lifehacker has mentioned them before). It's a pricy app at $6, but it's been well worth it, IMO. Most of my workplace has little reception, but with Tasker I can set up a cycle where: When the cell signal drops below 2 bars, wait 30 seconds and check again. If it's still below 2 bars, go into

I didn't know it could kick off apps itself. That's pretty cool!

Android has an app called 'Gentle Alarm' by mobitobi that does the same thing, sans inspirational quote. The default in GA is 30 minutes, but you can set it to whatever you want. It's lacking in the 'pretty' department, but it's functional and pretty feature-rich, so if anyone's looking... they don't have to wait for


Don't forget the projection screen, too! Amazon has a pretty good one for ~150$ (FAVI HD-100 16:9). It's motorised, and mounts to your ceiling.

I charge my phone whenever I'm in my car and driving more than 10 minutes.

Depends on the type! I have unrefined coconut oil which is good for cooking AND hair!

It may vary state by state, but the state that I am in requires that you complete a masters degree within 5 years of being employed by the state (as a teacher). I don't need an education degree — that was just me pointing out that the path I have to take to be a teacher is more complicated than that of a normal




Thankfully, I have answers to most of these questions. Unfortunately, the answers mean that it is going to take me a very long time, regardless of how long it takes me to get a degree, to get where I want to be.