
I'm 26. I just finished an associates degree at a local community college and I enrolled at a somewhat-local university to get my bachelor's degree. All of my classes transferred, but they didn't transfer 1-to-1, which means I'm looking at 3 years, maybe 3.5 years until I can get my bachelor's degree. So, I'm bummed

Haha, I thought those died out in the 90's! :) Of course, knowing my friends, they'll turn it on and off just to be an ass...

Well, the re-trigger issue is simple enough... just make sure that for the next x amount of time, any triggers get ignored. The programming part I can think through pretty well, it's just the mechanical part of attaching the system to a lamp that I don't know how to do. And I'm not looking for the lamp to be a

They actually still make those? o_O

Hmm.. that's definitely an option! Not as elegent, but it definitely could work. Thanks! :)

That was one of the things I was worried about — I'm a very light sleeper and if the light comes on.. I'm pretty much awake. I was thinking with the arduino I could set the sensor at the door, so once you pass the threshold you'll trigger the light. That was another reason for using just a lamp... I'm handy, but I'm

So, the hubbs and I have just moved into our first house. It's great, but I'm finding that the light switches are in the oddest places — take our bedroom for example: The lightswitch that controls the only light is on the opposite side of the room from the door. Not a problem during the day, but once the sun goes

Chiming in to champion the mattress pad. Ours has dual temperature controls. We turn it on about 20 - 30 minutes before bed on a 'high' setting... I get into bed and turn mine off, hubby gets into bed and keeps his on a low setting. We've used it for maybe... 3 years? And haven't had a problem yet.

I have two leopard geckos and I will definitely second the nomination of pet. They're pretty dang easy to take care of, and they live pretty long, too. And mine, at least, are a never-ending source of entertainment. I have one that will stand on his hind legs and 'claw' at the glass whenever he wants to be picked up.

Speaking as someone that was out of a job for almost three years: Yes, go for a job if you've been out of work for awhile but if it really makes you feel like crap, don't hesitate to keep looking and find something else. A not-so-perfect job will tide you over for a little while until you can find something that

I think you a word? :P

Yeah, the more bras you have the longer you can stretch them out and make them last. :)

It doesn't matter where you buy them. Fancy bras or basement bras, they have an average lifespan of 6 - 8 months. If you're small-chested (A/B-cup) you can probably get away with a year (maybe more if they're naturally perky), but otherwise... the natural stretching that occurs due to holding up the girls is what

You can pry my unread books from my cold, dead hands. They WILL be read... eventually. ;)

I love my nook for general reading, but I hate it for any kind of reference material. Zooming is a pain, and flipping back and forth I find to be more cumbersome than using the dead-tree version. And with PDFs, the gesture to change pages isn't the same gesture as the one you use to change pages in an ePub or other

If you're looking for a book/reference tome, I'm personally fond of any Murach published books. They have a nice book setup where the left side page is used for explanation, and the right side page is used for code snippets and bullet-point reviews of essential information. For simple queries it's pretty overkill, but

Try adding a tablespoon or two of salsa! Or a little bit of feta.

Yeah... so, we stayed with Netflix through the price hike (it was a shitty thing to do, but I can understand why they had to do it), but I just cancelled my DVD subscription 5 minutes ago. This is ridiculous. I don't have the energy or enough time in the day to deal with this. I work 12 hour days, plus commute. By the

This would be perfect for the nook colour... I love the screen, but I'm having to charge it at least once a week since I've been using it so much.

Ooooo.... thank you very much! :) And thank you for the tip about halibut.. I don't often eat fish, but I just might with this!