
Any chance you can post the recipe for your tomato-saffron couscous? That sounds absolutely delicious!

Phew, good to know! You really almost gave me a heart attack, there. :)

Angle, angle, angle. If you don't keep your angles consistent, you'll never get a sharp edge. Take your time. And don't expect to get it right the first time! It takes awhile to get the hang of it, unless you're some kind of prodigy. And unless you know someone that sharpens their knives, watch as many videos about

Why are you sharpening on a weekly basis?! You really shouldn't need to sharpen that often unless you're in a professional kitchen, and even then that's pushing it. Go get yourself a honing steel and use that in between sharpenings (once a month, at the most frequent)... If you're sharpening every week you're doing a

This sounds exactly like that episode of NCIS... I wonder why? =\

I realise this. I was merely pointing out that vegetables and fruits also contain (and many are entirely) carbs, without getting into which are better for you and which aren't. Although I would argue that celery is awesome for those on diets simply because they have 'negative' calories... If your diet is forcing you

I was never debating calorie count. Even if they're NOT a significant portion of your caloric intake, they CAN be a significant portion of your carb intake. If you want to stay under 100g of carbs a day, you could have a banana, a tomato, and half a mango. That's it. You just hit 100g of carbs, and maybe 200 - 250

You realise that veggies are mostly carbs, right? And so are fruits?

What kind of crap advice is this? Sounds like someone had a bad experience...

Holy crap, I'm jealous. We had a 500 sq. ft. apartment and our minimum winter heating bills were 130, most often closer to 150.

Sorry, I'm coming from the female perspective, which has lower BMR than men. I'm 5'2, 145, 1700-2000 calories a day on average.. I guess I'm not entirely sure why you directed part of that comment at me, since I was also saying that 3000 calories a day is not atypical. I also agreed that if you're active (hence the

That doesn't even make sense. You don't need to spend 3 hours at a gym to have an intake of 2500 calories... it all depends on where your priorities lie. If you work with weights most of the time for about 45 minutes a day, your baseline is probably somewhere around 2k. If you're more intent on building muscle instead

Salt is necessary for survival, but large quantities of salt is dangerous. That's the difference..

I will second the suggestion of Tasker. You can use it to set your phone automatically to silent/vibrate/whatever between whatever hours you like, and then you can set conditions... such as if caller name matches $name then silent == off, ringer volume = $volume. It seems to work pretty well. Only downside is that

If you notice, he uploaded the video in January. He lives in New York. It gets COLD in New York in January... and one of the better ways to help retain heat and not spend a gazillion dollars on your heating bill is to put a layer of plastic over your windows. That's probably not saran wrap, but most likely a

Well, I think that's the main reason why you see Deaf people live in groups and form their own communities. They still have to interact with non-d/Deaf people, but relatively they live in their own insular communities (this can be both good and bad). I also think that even if the technology becomes perfect, you're

Oh, then I misinterpreted your comment. Sorry about that! :)

THANK YOU for saying this. I am hearing, but I strongly associate with the Deaf community, and know many within that are exactly as you describe. You've said what I've been thinking much more eloquently than I could.

The technology isn't perfect. It can't give perfect hearing, all the time, to everybody. In most cases, it's only just "good enough", and some people actually feel worse when using the device. Not only that, but for some people it doesn't work at all. There is interference, static, and sometimes pressure from the

Please note that Hear Indiana "supports individuals and families with hearing loss who communicate through listening and spoken language. We believe in early detection, intensive amplification, and ongoing intervention." ... AKA they're pushing for technology vs. ASL. Their press release where they state the 20% ASL