
or dropped their orange stick on their fluffy sheepskin rug (I really need to pick a different spot to do my nails).

Exactly. Every onch of real estate inside my bags are used, and the straps better be sturdy yet gentle enough to take it. This doesn’t seem like the real deal.

exactly! I don’t get how that got through product development.

Oh many I LOVE rediscovering a polish you forgot you had. Also, I really need a better solution, but :

I can’t stop seeing jellybeans.

“She wasn’t even a Christian until four years ago,” he says.

I don’t want this set, but does anyone remember when The Museum Store used to be in basically every mall? I loved their scarves/umbrellas/random puzzles. I think there are still a couple somewhere but all the ones near me are gone, sadface.

Sweet baby Jesus what is this dress even? It looks like it was made by my permadrunk grandmother if she had the patience to sew.

I have a cross stitch sign in my bathroom that says “Please don’t do coke in the bathroom.”

Everyone will call my child Liz for short and when someone asks if her full name is Elizabeth she will have to answer “No, it’s Lizard.”

Well I suppose that’s a feather in your cap.

My mind is always in the gutter, so all I see are hand marks from standup against the wall & try not to fall over sex.

If 14 Seasons of SVU have taught me nothing else, you’ll need to remove that bulletin board for the real story.

HOLY SHIT. This is seriously my DREAM COLLECTION. I want ALL of the dresses. That dress with the organs?! FUCK MEEEE.

“You’ll get eggs in your belly, just like Easter,”

relieving her caretaker of the true period experience, which is vigorously scrubbing your underwear in the bathroom sink.

I do wonder what about the U.S. creeps other people out. I feel like Japan gets a bad rap because they seem so close to “the West” in terms of economic development, architecture, and their ability absorb all sorts of foreign ideas (or at least words if not the principles behind them), yet they have a distinctly

Yep. This worldwide idea of chastity is mainly a marketing tool to get fans to think that the celebrity is “waiting for the right one”, aka them. Giving them hope that they might be swooped up one day.

This is why I listen to rock and metal. Everyone just fucks.