
C’mon, the $ci crowd aren’t Xenu followers. Xenu was the bad guy. That’s why if a $ci approaches you and tries to prosyletize, you respond by lifting your arms and shouting, “Hail Xenu!”

At least the Mormons have good potato salad... Scientology just has John Travolta’s gayness trapped in a phylactery.

This used to be my movie theatre, as I used to live in Countryside. While definitely in the city limits of Clearwater, Countryside is far enough away from downtown to mostly be free of any Scientology influence. This development is a bit disturbing to me?

You know, both the Scientologists and the Mormons are facing a lot of criticisms lately and they’re both basically Space Jesus cults run by hucksters. I’m thinking a merger is in order.

Look, she’s not saying it’s a bomb. She is NOT saying that. But it’s not a puppy! It’s definitely not a puppy so you have to ask yourself, and make sure you use a fearful and racist tone, a tone full of implications without any fact behind it, you have to ask yourself: if it’s not a puppy, then what is it? It might

Then he should know better than to join in on the pummelling of other groups such as women, people of colour, and LGBTQ folks who have faced discrimination just as long or longer than atheists.

So she's saying that it's not a clock? Do tell me, Sarah, what is it?

She is a cairn! She alternates between extremely shaggy (as seen above) and shaved/rat-like (for the summer, mainly).

Keep painting the room! I BELIEVE IN YOU! Plus once you’ve finished painting the room, you can throw yourself an ‘I painted the room’ party (i.e. drink wine in the bath, basking in the glow of accomplishment and also water).

Tell me to keep painting this room, Jezzies. I’ve been working on it all day. Be my cheerleaders.

This would have taken half the time if Home Depot guy hadn’t insisted on swapping out my base before he mixed my paint. Rage. This office has so much built in shelving and desk and trim and....

At least it is the room

Cassie, what is your relationship with binary trans women that you feel so free to speak with such authority? I’m being specific here, because while you mention trans people here and there, it’s pretty obvious it’s specifically binary trans women that you’re always talking about. I’m sorry, I know you’re trying to

Everyone’s got one, but nobody uses them for their intended purpose.

Hey everyone. I feel so lame for being so excited about SNS. I’m really lonely :( My husband travels for work every weekend and I don’t really have any local friends, so I spend a lot of time alone. I’m glad this happens every week. <3 you all.

Fur baby thread!

While I understand your perspective, something a trans actor (I forgot which one) said in an interview has stuck with me; that playing a character prior to transitioning can be very painful, as it require them to reinhabit the space they were in before transitioning. This is one of the reasons Laverne Cox does not

In the city I live in, there are gay bars, some of which I’ve been to with friends. I don’t complain that they call it a “gay bar”.

Advises others not to whine. Devotes over 250 words to—well, ahem…

Somehow I believe that my black great grandparents were told the same thing when they wanted to sit at a certain lunch counter.

Separate but equal is never equal. Gay bars are called gay bars because all other bars are straight bars. Defining a bar as gay allows for the lgtbq individuals to feel safe because all other bars may not be. Btw saying you are playing devils advocate usually means I am a dick but I am pretending I am not.

I almost got into an all out brawl with my ignorant sister-in-law about this. We were out for dinner and a gay male couple were kissing at a nearby table. She starts stage whispering “I’m not homophobic but there are KIDS here”. To which I replied “You are the definition of homophobia”. A great battle ensued, the