Love is your best friend keeping watch AND shielding you from view in an alley while you adjust your spanx at intermission.
Love is your best friend keeping watch AND shielding you from view in an alley while you adjust your spanx at intermission.
We’re not talking about how it was all wings? $9 for, like, a dozen wings?
I was at a Whole Foods in Marin and watched a crone SCREAM at the fishmonger for handling her chosen salmon with GLOVED HANDS. She was spitting furious. He was, like, “Ma’am, this is for food safety.” I thought he was going to cry.
Here ya go!
Whole Foods co-founder, John Mackey took a look at this tweet and is now giving out raw chicken into their bare hands!
I’m always late for things too, Yoko.
Which of course only applies to teachers, not police.
Everything is better with Pamela Anderson.
I never watched a single episode of this show. Will I be able to follow the plot if I see the movie?
As long as poor desperate women are forced to have babies then the Republicans have done their job. After all, they need to ensure an underclass for the future rich to feed off of.
I think you nailed part of the problem, but most people can’t afford to be conscious consumers. We’ve created a negative feedback loop where we don’t pay people enough to shop outside of Wal-Mart, who uses their leverage to keep wages low in their stores, pressure to vendors to keep costs down who then suppress their…
My employer committed wage theft regularly through sins of omission. It was never a simple “you did that work but na I’m not gonna pay you” — it was sneakier and more corporate than that. It was “overtime pay must get prior approval well in advance, but we’re gonna regularly assign you work tasks of unpredictable…
I agree but as a consumer... do we fault the low-income person who has to shop at Walmart or big Walmart CEO’s who pay crap wages.
Um, well, I guess I disagree that buying clothes from the salvation army would solve anything, mostly because 1) it’s still prioritizing cheap clothing and 2) the clothing at the Army comes from somewhere, which means you still have consumers buying and tossing cheap clothes. Check out John Oliver’s segment on…
Oh, absolutely. In so, so many ways globalization has made exploitation not just easier but the path of least resistance. One of these ways is in hiding exploitation (or outright slavery) out of sight and out of mind, both geographically and legally through the use of subcontractors. When consumers get the dual…
Well, and isn’t there also a third dimension, where common, every day people who may not work in the industry but consume things created by the industry also look the other way because cheap is always better? (Thus business managers pressure contractors because they want to be able to win the bid from a consumer who…
I like the way you distinguish between sins of commission and sins of omission. Those two groups of sinners need each other to game the system, and each can blame the other for creating conditions of systemic injustice.