
OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE. There are paintings of the virgin Mary nursing Jesus. Why was that nun shocked??

Do you consider yourself a standard on women’s beauty that needs to be heard? Do you think that there exists a vacuum on the Earth that desperately needs to be filled cataloging your scale of who is fuckable? Can you really give an argument as to why your friends and family wouldn’t be better off if you were dead?

My wife and I are atheists. My family is Jewish. Hers are Pentecostal Christians. Our daughter was born in a Catholic hospital because it was the only hospital our insurance would allow.

You’re going to think about what Paul would say on women’s issues? It’s going to be a rough ride.

I’m not sure she’s wearing much on her own face. I suspect rosacea. Not everyone bothers covering it.

Oh, and lots of hospitals are now being bought up by Catholic institutions. Guess women are just FUCKED if the only nearby hospitals were recently bought out by Catholic organizations, amiright? Fuck it, they had the cash, now they get to dictate your life based on their religious beliefs, not science or medicine!


Right. Because no woman has ever or could ever live in an area where only Catholic hospitals are available, or have insurance where the only in-network hospitals are Catholic. Women whose reproductive health is compromised by other people’s religious beliefs are just dumb bitches who deserve it.

True, but this isn’t even abortion, this is a sterilization in someone who has already had 3 kids and for whom having more kids could directly result in harming her. It’s pretty cut and dried IMO.


I’m guessing the word “porn” brought them out.

This is why it is so dangerous to have so many Catholic hospitals. In some areas, all of the hospitals are Catholic. I don’t want this kind of faux pro-life fuckery in my medical care, either around birth or end-of-life issues.

Is Fixster implying that you are emotionally unstable, because you choose to stick up for other women rather than join him in tearing them down? Lol. I think he’s trying to troll you, but he’s just not good at it.

Where are these trolls coming from? This isn’t even Jez, this is a MAKEUP subblog.

Yeah, but remember that the MOST IMPORTANT THING is that you publicly share your thoughts about women’s looks. It is incredibly important that you make it known if you think a woman is ugly. Or if you think a woman is hot. Your assessment simply MUST be shared with the world!

Don’t insult the process that goes into the product you consume.

That’s because you like a made-up face and live in a culture that lets you delude yourself otherwise. It’s o.k. to like makeup on people, but at least have the self respect to admit that instead of cattily assuming that the few times you ever actually see an un-madeup face then that person must be especially ugly

No, you don’t even get what makes you an asshole. That’s probably why you’re an asshole.

But he brought it up to dismiss concerns about the lack of women in comedy. If he had brought up those examples as a counterpoint to a statement like, “there are no good women working in comedy right now,” or “women aren’t that funny,” those would be great examples. But he’s using that to silence criticism of the late’s not racist to laugh at the idea that white men are discriminated against more than people of color. she didn’t say he could easily get a directing job, she said it was ridiculous to think that his whiteness and maleness would restrict him from doing so more than her blackness and femaleness.

Only include diversity in the projects specifically set aside for addressing diversity sounds pretty similar to “separate but equal”...