And there’s also the issue of our professional world being set up in such a way that it makes it near impossible for a woman to have kids and not haver her career take a hit (which is not the case for men).
And there’s also the issue of our professional world being set up in such a way that it makes it near impossible for a woman to have kids and not haver her career take a hit (which is not the case for men).
I think what she meant is that women are shamed for having kids when they’re older, so “barrenness” is treated as punishment for not settling down when they were younger, ie. “you didn’t have a kid when you were 22, so now you’re not allowed.” Less literal infertility and more societal pressure to not have children…
I would happily take Baroness.
What a bunch of jerks-offs!
I know there were a lot of words in there that can be discussed, but I just keep thinking about how she is 42 and looks like that. WTF!!!!
I have mixed feelings about her comment. And I wonder if it’s taken out of context? I mean, she’s 42 now so that’s sort of just biology happening. It’s ok if she chose not to have kids when she was younger. There are other ways to have kids i.e. adoption.
Some guys think they’re SO FUNNY.
Yes, but not all sex workers are trafficked.
Unfortunately, the way this case is being handled makes it look like sex
trafficking is aworkers are legitimatebusinesshuman beings.
I wouldn’t want to get religious pamphlets, but I see no reason they can’t leave the tip and the stupid pamphlet...
Except the one about the Jesus statue. That would have been awesome, and since Jesus was all about feeding the poor, I would have boxed up his meal and eaten it myself later after they left. After all, he wants people to eat his body, I don’t think he’d be pissed if someone ate his entree instead.
“Do we LOOK like we drink?!?!!”
They only brought Jesus to dinner with them so they could get free wine.
I’ve played alcohol menu vs an offer of iced tea many a time.
I tip according to the normal price of my meal, plus tax. So if I have a groupon for two entrees for the price of one, I tip for two entrees plus tax. If my favorite waitress at my favorite restaurant pours generously and brings me a free glass of wine (which is common), I tip according to the number of glasses she…
Alternate title for this BCO “Restaurant customers who were walking, talking advertisements for atheism.”