Yes, because reading through the comments it seems that people are accepting Trump at his word that he had totally nothing to do with Epstein.
Yes, because reading through the comments it seems that people are accepting Trump at his word that he had totally nothing to do with Epstein.
Hey, is now a good time to remind people that Trump has been accused of raping a 13 year old girl at Jeffery Epstein’s house?
If somebody came out with a line of Winter Soldier vag eggs, I might take better notice.
idc when he started wearing it but he can absolutely choke me with it
If this trend continues, expect Ted Cruz and Retta to find themselves in Twitter beef next.
If only the preborn baby had a gun to defend itself.
I have a Billie and I like it. I use that Billie to shave my calves and knees but very rarely my thighs or pubic region. I don’t think it’s a terribly conflicted ad—I think they mean that shaving is not an all-or-nothing grooming procedure. No one likes capitalism, but using feel-good ads to normalize bodies is an…
White privilege isn’t about being wealthy.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
I have no thoughts about Blue Ivy but I just want to connect with someone tonight, our little community, anyone. I feel alone and sad and uncertain.
First day of freshman year, I showed up for my mandatory meeting with my guidance counselor. I had tried out for the cheer team over the summer, made it, and was wearing my uniform. It was a thing. All the cheerleaders wore them on the first day of school. So Mr. Counselor asked me what my goals were. I said I wanted…
Dissertation level analysis about mindless bullshit is kind of my thing.
When that was pointed out to Santorum’s press secretary, she responded, “It’s a matter of what’s in his heart. He’s a frothy mixture of lubricant and fecal matter as an occasional byproduct of anal sex
a strongly pro-life person.”
HAHA I love that you brought up the obligatory “where’d you go to high school” exchange that ALL city kids have when they meet each other out in the world. So real.
Don’t forget Duran Duran.
White girl consumption of rap as a whole is fucking embarrassing. Hip hop is a collection political and cultural artefacts created by Black people that is mostly for Black people. That’s not to say that non-Black people can’t engage but they need to realise that it is not theirs. They are spectators first and…
Ms. Jones is with Kyle Mooney, though. :)
I just read excerpts of this to my quasi-drunk husband as a silence breaker after the end of GoT. He just keeps yelling ‘Colin WHAT?!’