
Your thoughts were exactly my thoughts. As a parent of small children, it is my deepest fear that I could die and one of them would either find me or be left alone somewhere. Your words spoke to me of the specificity of that terror, not of enjoyment.

I am in a bisexual FEVER over this Lights Up video.

My vagina is in crisis

but when everyone on board has the exact same ass fillers, I’m assuming it is difficult for even the owners of the butts to tell one from the next.


I really appreciate this comment.

So real question. I think my daughter has this “sensitivity,” and I’m not sure how to best support her. How do the sensitive folks in your life keep themselves protected, and what do they do if they feel intruded upon in a way that they can’t shut off with a polite request?

that was such an intense 2015 moment. when the bellhive came for the beyhive.

That’s ... so accurate. So accurate I’m wondering if you and I might have actually worked at PP in the same place at the same time.

Former PP employee in California here, too, cosigning everything you said.

Counterpoint: this is the greatest interview of our time.

If you ever feel like taking on a long-game passive-aggressive project, consider sending 120 checks for 50 cents each certified mail to the office of the registrar, then demanding your diploma.

oh my fucking god

she ... did have a terminal illness

i have more real life emotion feelings for this show than is advisable

San Francisco feels like a small town trapped inside the borders of a giant city being consumed by forces greater than itself.

Butter is crucial, on both sides of the bread, just to bring it all together.

Good. And more of that. Because men need to be destabilized and confused and unsure and constantly afraid that any tiny thing they do with even the best of intentions will result in a shockingly intense series of consequences.

Same, buttstuff666. Same.

I’m so scared for her. The dudes who pull shit like this to begin with? They don’t get better when they get angry.