
That’s a fair point. On the other hand, I heard of a taxi driver in NYC who shot up a bordello to rescue a teenage Jodie Foster. 

When gig-economy serfs are earning less than minimum wage some of them are going to inevitably turn to fraud, can’t see why anyone would be surprised by this.

Don’t you ever get tired of coming back here, day after day, just to be the perpetual laughingstock of a rapidly dying pop culture site? Don’t you ever want more for your life?

The stupidest thing I’ve read on the internet all month. And we’re 3 weeks in. Congratulations. The bar is always low with you, and yet still you manage to stumble and trip.

back in old AV Club days

Yeah. For a long time, I wondered whether or not Recognitions was just a troll posing as a liberal. Today, they jumped the shark and confirmed it. Though, I have to admit, the trolling was pretty damned convincing until today. 

You are a very strange person.

Cheated. Sabotaged his sobriety. Emotionally abused him. Cost him work. Mocked Michael Jackson. Gave him a marriage ultimatum. Led him on about getting married. Joined a competing satirical Velvet Underground tribute bound and sniped all the potential Pizza Underground mitzvah and wedding jobs. Greeted him only by

We are as soon as the right candidate runs. Hilary wasn’t the right candidate, but the DNC refused to admit it.

The dem establishment is a lot more scared of her than the republicans are because she’s poised to upend the proverbial apple cart. Republicans aren’t worried because folks who voted for her would never have voted for them anyway, but to the old guard that was responsible for sandbagging Bernie she poses a serious

DeSantis is also a millennial 

Here is one of the biggest issues I see for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and it has to do with the Dem party itself still playing that bullshit game of if you support Bernie Sanders you’re destroying the democratic party.  The democratic party has been destroying itself for a long time now.  Hell it still doesn’t have a

It wasn’t a waffle, it was an honest admittance that she’s still learning about the complexities involved. If she’s “mentored” by senior Dems and comes down on the other side, then it’s more disappointing as a sign she might do the same on other issues, but for now it’s a push.

The reasons why the right-wing Israeli government feels that they need to occupy Palestinian land is complicated: the solutions for peace in the region are complicated: but the right-wing Israeli government is occupying Palestinian land: that’s just a fact.

It’s so painfully obvious that this is a joke, how are you at all unsure of that? The fact that there are people who aren’t sure if this is a joke is much more unsettling than this obvious joke petition.

it was so insane that even Cohen, still in character, had to stop him. he got more than he even expected out of that idiot

*finger snaps*

I’m getting more angry about this the more I think about it.

Obama had 3 private meetings with Putin...  Also, he was caught on a hot mic shortly before the 2012 elections telling a top russian diplomat that he would have “more flexibility after the election”.

1) It’s not always easy to overcome internalized feelings of shame associated with sex and sexuality, particularly when you’re feeling afraid and vulnerable in a doctor’s office and/or you’ve grown up in a culture that makes a lot of value judgments about sexual activity
2) Some doctors ABSOLUTELY will shame and blame