
My god, this changes everyth[dies of boredom]

You two troll-mates should just get a room already.

Remember how many times he was put in the position of having to put a positive spin on the Kinja move? That’ll murder a man’s soul.

Well the sale price just dropped considerably.

Love ya, buddy. You are too good for this world.

I got a Dan in Real Life notification for this?

So long, and thanks for all the snark.

But seriously, you will be so missed. An O’Neal piece always brightened my day, whether it was a hilarious attack on Justin Bieber or that heartbreaking obit for Chris Cornell.  Best wishes for a new path.

Sean — I think I can speak for all of us salivating, rancorous, sewer-dwelling mutants when I say we’ll miss you. Thanks for the years and years of great work.

It’s been changed to illusive which is STILL WRONG I’m losing my mind.

I’ve already called the cops on you for this comment.

How do you come back from this? How do you ever show your face in that gym again? 

You’d only know that if you’re regularly watching a Sinclair news station. Stop watching a Sinclair news station.

he has considered claiming that his department could gather DNA evidence from plant leaves, with the hope of discouraging future plantings

Thanks for that insightful contribution. Really blew my mind.

I guess the Attack just wasn’t Massive enough to take Franz Ferdinand out.

Congratulations fanatical activists, I hope you enjoy your film that now pretty much nobody will pay to see because it lacks star power. I hope trading away a big budget picture about trans people that could have helped humanize and normalize trans people was worth it.

That’s next on the List of Things to Get Angry About.

So what you want is for actors to not act anymore? No more learning and transforming into their character, adjusting to the difficulties of playing said character and translating the end result to the audience with empathy or whatever emotional response is most appropriate, nope, only a person exactly as described on

Is it also problematic for straight actors to play gay characters now?

Let’s not forget that the pipes that were installed were there for the predominantly white workers because lead pipe is one of the most stable and long lived materials that can remain in contact with water, with a useful life between 100 and 150 years. As opposed to the more typical 50 year or less for galvanized