
Bush era neocons are heroes now doncha know

All the ‘Truthbrary’ bits that don’t work will be worth it if the final one is Sarah Palin and it does work.

The difference in the responses to this incident vs. ScarJo is funny.

Free speech is an ideal and a principle that encompasses more then the 1st Amendment.  Plus, if Facebook is included in the et al, then that line becomes a bit murkier since you have the government holding hearings with the intent of pushing them to censor.

Now do one with dank memes!

It’s possible she’s lying or making up a story, but I wold take her own words about what caused her transformation to be the most likely reason.

She told Hannity in an interview that the reason she changed her alignment/views is that she felt out of place with the Green party and socialists because they didn’t like Israel.


Superdelegates are so democratic.

Superdelegates are so democratic.

Superdelegates are so democratic.

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There’s a Weird Al song for every occasion.

With the Spencer bit, I think we have reached peak TV. I just don’t think it can get any better than a politician chasing you bare ass first yelling USA.

I’m pretty sure I saw him give a ‘oh my god i can’t believe it was this easy’ look to someone off camera when that happened.

If you think the morals and ethics of Disney are what prompted the decision rather than their perception of the morals and ethics of their audience you’d be completely wrong.

The end of laughter and soft lies

The Purge: Instagram

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I also have full faith and support for America’s great intelligence agencies.

In my experience, the millennial demographic has not seemed more prone to allusion than their predecessors.  Less so, in fact.  They don’t hold a candle to the beat generation.

Those days never existed.