
If you hear the kids talking about hoobastank, you might think they are into drugs, but the reality is much, much worse.

Thanks Steve Schmidt

I for one welcome our new TBD overlords

Because you get more data and information about a customer that then allows you to do things like monetize through alternate models of advertising as well as subscriptions”

Are we only allowed one Eternal Sunshine movie a decade?

Tupac and the rest of Digital Underground died after mistaking the Bonestripper for a carnival ride.

Perhaps because we live in the US?

Don’t be a sore loser

There is no non-monster alternative in the two major parties. It may feel good to depict people who voted for the other guy as monsters for various monster-like things about that politician, but an honest look at the other candidate every good person “should” have voted for would reveal plenty of monster-like things


Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for Americans 44 and under.

Asterisks are for actions, not quotes!!!

No you see it’s different because Rumble has a flamethrower

It also ignores the most important environmental feature of electric cars. Since they are powered from the electrical grid, as that grid improves and shifts towards more renewable energy, so will the cars.

Do you love me question mark

Hey Stussy is making a comeback!

What’s the matter with kids today? They’re more PC than Ian.  Fat Mike is just a man, getting through life the best he can.

You have sexual relations on that show, right? Tell me about how you have sex on the show. Why do you engage romantically with other humans? It’s to have sex, isn’t it?

Strange how a statue of a male figure that was conceived of, designed by, and created by men could be considered homoerotic.

Killing them would be more humane. Indoor spiders don’t fare well outdoors.