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90's was I think the peak of “hey the kids like this lets push out as much of it as humanly possible” music, and thus ruined everyone’s taste for a few genres.

Why have the modesty top if there are no breasts?

Remember when people in Gaza and Yemen had living (and dying) standards Americans can not even fathom in large part because of US support for the countries directly causing those situations? I do, and it is happening now and had been happening during previous administrations as well. But yes, Trump’s buffoonery is

They’re not wrong....there are indeed plenty of common sense things the usa needs. “Complexity” is too often used as an excuse for inaction. Trump and Bernie were both so popular because they articulated some of these things, and people were tired of establishment politicians ignoring popular common sense ideas

Dahsahnee was already taken

Hopefully it will have a proper PC version like the previous ES games, instead of Skyrim’s controls that felt like a crappy port from console.

That storied period where all Americans had access to healthcare, I remember it well.

Apologizing for saying feckless cunt is feckless cunt behavior.

fyre festival’s loss, riot fest’ don’t think gain is the right word here

Surprised not to see Pure Phase by Spiritualized mentioned anywhere especially given the britpop mentions.

When asked about the experience of reading Ross’s comment, Emilia replied “ no one had a good time”

I figured someone would likely beat me to that one

How easily we mirror what we hate

I won’t take on projects that don’t pay me and benedict cumberbatch equally.

I haven’t seen a quicker bus throwing under since PWR BTTM

I remember there being some pearl clutching over the crassness of Colbert’s Putin/Trump fellatio joke, which did not come from a woman.

What does Ja Rule have to say about this?

i wish i could upvote this 100 times

I’m pretty sure Jared said it was saline, not collagen.