
No peak Wisconsin would be if the project was the brandy old-fashioned, not just the brandy.

Now playing

Speaking of which, here is my favorite cover of Masters of War by the New Model Army singer.

Now playing

I’m no professional songwriter, but this song reminds me more of the sublime subtlety of the McGruff ‘Users are Losers’ type of song than any classic anti-war song from the 60's era. It’s no Dylan’s ‘Masters of War’, or even Slayer’s ‘War Ensemble’.

I heard a rumor that Pussy Riot also has Russian backers.

still no dancing gif posted? AVClub you have let me down.

This makes me want to reply to his every tweet with some variation of ‘nice one bro’.

Same goes for Starship Troopers.

That would explain it. The things you forget after a year or so.

Oh, most stupid man in the world, who kept his back turned on a tortured in solitary isolation, starving zombie, while talking about extorting them within earshot, we hardly knew ye.

That rex looks malnourished.

Hey Lucy I’m home

Natalie Portman was born in Israel. Israel is in Asia. Controversy solved.

I still find anyone with a best friend named Boner suspicious.

If “do better” means be on regular tv, I’m in.

It’s the type of balancing act that makes one question, what is truth? Shortly thereafter deciding what do I care?

Advocating violence is not illegal, unless it is ‘imminent incitement’ or harassment.

Coins in the nose, pubes beard, and peeing on a piano; this post is a trifecta of grossness.

And when that happens that’s how we will know racism is finally vanquished.

There was a time, long ago, when the gramophone was the cutting edge in recorded sound reproduction.