
Notable debut albums from 1983


We can (and should) also criticize an entire religion. Let’s be honest, both major religions being mentioned here contain some homophobic content in their texts, and those religions are the main rationalization for the homophobia large portions of their followers hold. Yet, as we criticize both the people and the

That ‘one point’ was when Larry David was writing his jokes.

Funny how AV Club runs just about every single #metoo story except the one with Hillary and Burns Strider.

I wonder how long it will be till they give up the movie and tv reviews entirely to solely focus on being an anti-Trump celebrity gossip blog.

Billy Bush and Sean Hannity’s twitter get mentions but not Burns Strider?

When will our country wise up and follow Russia lead to protect us from subversive movies in addition the subversive tweets and facebook messages?

And foggier, with a light drizzle.

I’ve been shipping those two for a while now.

In other words, she doesn’t have to put on the red light.

Pay them all $20 million. It will be worth $150/month to stream their standup specials.

Stupid aliens failed to take Earth design cliches into consideration when designing their interstellar travel capable craft.

It’s not Slayer without Jeff Hanneman.

This gets a list post but the Dem senators who voted to re-authorize 702 surveillance does not?

“And while some people undoubtedly need their emotional support animal...”

If it’s the moral compass of 1945 you want to use, a better phrase would be: see a Nazi, hire a Nazi to conduct scientific research for you.

Funny how expressing the thought that killing is not good gets so much hate.

They forget because he is on team D, and because the presidency is more of a cult of personality than simply a person in charge of the executive branch who can do both good and bad things. In addition to that, the bad things column or Obama consists mainly of things in the militarism category. A category that