
I despise Trump as much as the next blue-blooded socialist liberal snowflake, but if you want something to fail just because a politician you hate is in favor of it then you’re a fucking idiot and should be thrown into a gorge, gully, canyon, crevasse, or abyss, depending on locale.

Season 3 is going to mirror the resistance against Trump? So June is just going to write some anti-Gilead zingers on Canadian Twitter?

Don’t act coy.  That was exactly what you were implying.

Especially after the organized and very effective third-party run Sanders made in 2016 that cost Clinton the election.  (Oh, wait.  That never happened.  It was that Clinton ran the dumbest campaign in modern history that cost her the election.)

What in the fuck point are you trying make? Are you a DNC bot currently melting down? 

The phrase you’re looking for instead of ‘make a fuss about’ is ‘pay lip service to’. Because they don’t really make a fuss. They wait till the center (of the political divide) sits firmly over something before they actually make anything resembling a fuss.

This past spring, PUBG Corp. confirmed that the cheats contained a trojan horse virus that scanned data and illegally extracted personal info.

There was always plenty to be mad about. Or call attention to and try to change.

You snowflakes don’t understand how hurtful your words are!

Seems like a perfect time for T. Herman Zweibel to sweep in with a hostile takeover.

Well it’s about goddamn time! Univision is fucking horrible. As soon as they bought this site, the quality took a nosedive overnight. Hopefully somebody will buy this site that actually understands what made people enjoy it so much in the first place.

... the AV Club didn’t do that. Different company. Different people. Do you even know what site you’re on right now?

For all the A.V. Club staff. I know these are worrying and uncertain times, but it was obvious from the outside that you were getting fucked by corporate at Univision, which has been striping the site of everything that made it special and has been turning it into an empty shell. Now, you may still have an opportunity

The AV Club? I’ll buy that for a dollar!

So I was walking down the street today and someone came up to me offering to sell me The A.V. Club. I said “sure how much is it?” at which point they said “oh about tree fiddy” that’s when I realized I was next to a lake in Scotland. Damn Loch Ness Monster trying to get my damn tree fiddy again. 

Christ, univision fucked the shit out of you guys :(

2 1/2 years to irreparably damage a publication and then strip and sell it for parts.

Orrrr.... hear me out, if a woman prefers to wear it then they should go ahead and do so.

If the answer isn’t “yelling at Jill Stein on the internet,” you’ve let us all down.

It’s where they let interns try out for The Onion.