
And that guy in the picture? Oh, brother, let me tell you a tale...

Quantity over quality.

Fuck capitalism.

In all seriousness, I rather like capitalism. But this unrestrained and unregulated Gilded Age profit over everything and everyone system America has right now is fucking awful.

How long did it take for you to come up with your sanctimonious and judgemental hot-take?

Didn’t we all.

Not according to the precedence set by The United States v. Ashley Judd. 

“Almost 28 years after the fact, a Las Vegas TV station is claiming that an arrest is imminent in the 1996"

Please provide links to people on the “abolish ICE side” also saying we should have no immigration policy and fully open borders. I have yet to see a single person say that.

We had an immigration prior to ICE. ICE is not fundamental to our immigration policy. ICE did not exist prior to 2003.

Next you’ll want to disband the DEA. (This is not a pro-ICE post, this is an anti-DEA post.)

Because we don’t need- and didn’t have prior to 2003- a separate internal law enforcement group whose only purpose is to use draconian techniques to hunt down people who are breaking one type of law.

Just stop pretending they were flawless heroes in history classes. 

Those looking to make a political statement always focuses on the taxation part of things and gloss over the representation part. The founding fathers (other than those rabble rouses in Boston) were not trying to avoid taxation, they only asked that as English Citizens they be allowed the right to representation in

Or, we don't judge the people of the past based on present day morality.  

Please tell me he went though 4 years at Trump U in a character.

There are a million reasons to despise the police, but when a person calls the cops, the cops have to respond, even if the caller is moron.

It’s almost as if the left wing is made up of a bunch of different people with different opinions.

“George Washington, man, he was in a cult. And the cult was into aliens, man. You didn’t know that?”--- Austin resident A. Jones, 1976 

Okay guys, one more thing, this summer when you’re being inundated with all this American Fourth of July brouhaha, don’t forget what you’re celebrating, and that’s the fact that a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didn’t want to pay their taxes.

“sweaty, buzzed, and overfed”

Good lord, maybe have even the tiniest shred of perspective, mmkay?