
Dear Democrats: I live in a forever red state and you need to fucking work for the rest of morons votes that live here.

I mean that house is like 2 bedrooms right? 1200 square feet? Like what is he trying to prove with that photo anyways...what a putz.

I don’t like Trump or Nazi’s, but i’d rather let people wear MAGA hats and Swastikas, over sowing seeds to slowly destroy free speech. Especially in Canada, where bills like C-16 are a small step to slowly criminalize an opinion.

It’s absurd that Dwayne Elizonda Mountain Dew Herbert Comacho is infinitely more qualified for politics compared to the ass chuckles who control the government now.

Saying “I believe women” is an odd thing to say, given women are people, and people lie. For a variety of reasons. But regardless, I also agree with pretty much everything you say here. 

heh...heh..”put on airs”.

While I was still an undergrad, it never made sense to me why I needed to take shit like philosophy, chemistry, English, etc, when none of that applied to my CS major. After graduating, getting a job, and working with some painfully sub-literate fellow engineers, it immediately became apparent why all that other crap

Wasn’t expecting the highlight of my day to be a Silverchair burn.

Yes.  If you voted for someone, regardless of the motivations, it does count.  That’s how it works.  It counts.

But he’s gonna post it in every thread! 

No one said that.  Literally no one.

And remember according to those "in the know" she couldn't POSSIBLY win, and maybe your district can actually support a further left candidate *more* than a compromising middle of the roader. 

How about only saying the name of the person who lost?

Wow! David Brooks is on Splinter!

Oh yea. Jones, who is basically a republican who supports most of Trump’s policies and votes with him.

Go fuck yourself. 

I’m just here for quality analysis from the centrist chorus.

I welcome with open arms any citizen who realizes how toxic the Republican party has been and decides to stop voting for them, whether it happens when they’re 19 or 89. But I think there’s a long stretch between people like you, and former Bush officials, especially former Bush lawyers, and especially former Bush

I can’t see or hear about Waffle House without thinking of the Bill Hicks bit where a Waffle House waitress asks him, “Whatchu readin’ for?”