
Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence properly reached.

It was overturned by a federal District Court judge, but thankfully the 7th Circuit stepped in and kept our streets safe by making sure that prompted confessions from unrepresented minors with learning disabilities remain inviolate. 

Pro Tip - If you want to make sure SCOTUS takes your case and rules in your favor, Brendan, discriminate against some gay people. Just go up to another inmate and tell him you refuse to give him flowers because he is gay. You’ll be out of there in time for dinner.

There would definitely be no MeToo if Trump wasn’t in office.

Weekand is a new rapper.

They disagree on how much a government ought to HELP its people, but on the ways that the government is currently, actively HARMING its people and policy solutions to those problems, there’s a lot of overlap.

Why is it that everytime an artist says or does something problematic, so many will always chime in reminding everyone how cool they are for never liking said artist in the first place? It's so annoying and irrelevant.

“David Lynch has always been a talentless hack”. - Nü AV Club

Basically, David Lynch is explaining that Trump may be the manure that will allow beautiful flowers to grow eventually.

Just as well, I Heard They Suck Live.

You’re the worst. I’m just gonna make that the new AV Club thing. Each time you post something that makes the rest of us groan, one of us will point out that you’re the worst. Which, if you’ll note (YOU NEVER DO) that’s been happening. A lot. 

AV Club is doing a soft rebrand as a Hollywood insider site?

Ah, my favorite David Foster Wallace essay, “Consider the Twitter Thread”.

It doesn’t NEED to be said, but of course his “3.147...” was even incorrect. 3.14159265359 

The Roanoke Colony would have been a good one to do.

Two ways I’d be happy for The Conners to open:
1.) We learn that Roseanne died 10 years ago and Dan wrote a book about her in which she was a horrible, raging MAGA supporter because it was his way to cope. He can then turn to the camera and wink.

2.) The Conners opens with the family walking in from a funeral. Dan

Her style of comedy seems just as hacky as the worst “shock comedians” out there, just in the opposite way... Pretty much every clip I’ve seen of her stand-up is basically just her smugly telling largely joke-free anecdotes about encountering people that aren’t as progressive as she is. It’s just preaching to the

The amount of tits and dragons on the screen in the final six episodes is worth it though—$150 million worth of each.

Time and place. We are not there.

More like, thank you for being honest about a complicated issue rather than pretending our side is morally superior and has the perfect solution.