
It’s time for this lesbian supporting character to deliver a “badass quip” about how she’d totally bang the straight male lead character, to let us know this man is objectively fuckable, which she can tell because she is a lesbian. Oh wait we cut that part, we cut literally the only part that states she is a lesbian,

That is NOT a very good line. It’s NOT a bad ass quip. It’s not “cool”. It’s the kind of line a man who has no idea what lesbians think or act like would write for a woman and then pat himself on the back for his understanding of both lesbians AND women.

Honestly, I think the line is being over hyped in this article. It doesn’t sound that cool or badass. I didn’t find it funny. It’s kind of just lame. I think that might be a bigger factor as to why it was cut out. Maybe actually seeing it on screen and how it’s delivered could be different but reading it in print here

Doesn’t it make sense to wait on a boycott of 21st Century Fox , since the acquisition by either Disney or Comcast won’t include Fox News?

So I take it you’re not interested in Ken Burns’ 10-volume “Nu Metal” documentary series premiering next year on PBS?

90s ska was occasionally fun and fairly harmless and often a bit corny(and it was sometimes a nice counterweight to the dour nature of angsty 90s rock in general), but on the other hand, I’ve never been that interested in what made the bands tick or how the scenes got started.

Hard pass.  *bong rip*  Ok, maybe.

Shaw then shocked audiences by passing the award onto Paul Rudd, saying, “I just really like Ant-Man.”

“The rapper was previously on house arrest while awaiting trial on charges including aggravated battery of a pregnant woman, domestic battery by strangulation, false imprisonment and witness-tampering, but the judge let him off so that he could go on tour.

“someone who did something bad to a woman deserves x worse to happen to him”

Nah, in the unlikely event that he’s exonerated, rational people will judge him to be merely an incompetent, smarmy TV host and not an abuser.

Careful, they’ll delete your post if you don’t say he’s a rapist. That’s how these sites work now.

I feel extremely uncomfortable with public post mortems on intimate things like this.

Because nipples are obscene no matter what.

I feel like min-maxing in favor of running over swimming isn’t such a bad idea.

Hmm, I don’t remember prison overcrowding or Black kids being shot by cops being major on Parks & Rec.

See and this anti-Russian stuff is so annoying too.

“Oh the scary Putin”

Most of the stuff people are mad about Trump for has been shit that has been going on for awhile and know people are just noticing because Trump is in power. If Trump wasn’t in power, these people could go on living in their little bubble, but it’s not like things are going to get better in the near future. Think of

Kelsey Grammer was in rehab at the time and was replaced by Kate Mulgrew, who wasn’t supposed to be in the sketch.

It would be hard for someone to exist in 2018 and not already know why Tiffany Haddish is such a superstar.