
Of course, there is no allowance made at all for the idea that Alec Baldwin was JOSHING on the HOWARD STERN SHOW. Where people have for decades been irregular on Howard’s radio show, talking loud garish shit they might not necessarily MEAN. And yes, I’ll even forgive Trump for whatever he said in Howard’s dark

The US IS the Evil Empire. Greatest military budget by far. Hundreds of military bases, locks up the greatest amount of its populace, perpetual war.

What a misleading headline, in no way shape or form did Baldwin say he was running, or even considering it, it was all hypothetical.

I like how we are all pretending to care about this.

I wish I still had your adorable naivete. Your office mates be fuckin’. You might not know. But there’s some fucking going down.

Anthony Bourdain made me appreciate street food whenever I travel overseas.

Check your own saddle and gear before looking over mine, pardner.

Congratulations- you have no idea what it’s like to be at the lowest levels of depression, but you’ve spouting off about it anyway.

You didn’t attend her funeral? So as you say this was a women who you knew since you were toddlers. I assume that means you were pretty good friends. Instead of being there for those two children when they probably need people the most you got on your high horse and road away.

Seeing how the rise in suicide preceded the Trump Presidency by about 20 years, it is safe to say that the increase is not from that. Please don’t trivialize this horrible affliction.

Fuck you.

I mean, what he says is true.

But they don’t degrade in the sewer and cause massive backups

Can we start with banning “flushable” bum wipes? Then move onto toilet paper?

The morel of the story, know your rights and a good lawyer. Saute pan and butter optional.

That’s a fairly common misconception, but a landlord isn’t allowed to let the cops into someone’s apartment without a warrant (absent special circumstances such as an emergency). He may have felt that he was obligated to let the officer enter, but he really wasn’t.

You can be polite and understanding and still preserve your rights. “I’m sorry officer, but without a warrant I cannot let you into my home. Those are mushrooms that are endemic to our region and safe to eat. I implore you to look up what psilocybin mushrooms look like on the internet as proof. I hope you have a great

Forever making excuses as to why party discipline or sound electoral politics, backed by policy that people want are a bad idea. Go Dems.

Mccain has not been available for every vote or confirmation, likewise as you should know, there have been a few notable Republican holdouts depending on what is being voted on,

You seem to be under the impression that the police are your friend and they have your best interests at heart. They don’t. It’s kind of the opposite.

No... the DCCC has been throwing it’s weight behind conservative and in some cases candidates against progressives in Blue districts, people who don’t even fully support the national platform and in swing districts, a number of candidates that have previously run and lost.

Not only are the offering endorsements, cash