
Peter Daou, everybody! Still waiting for The Daou’s second album.

Aren’t you British? It’s not like you had much say in things either way.

My problem with “tactful” voting is that it hasn’t helped the Democrats win in a decade.

Ah the dreary Univision machine rolls on. The implicit assumptions here are that it is the left of the party causing the split and that accepting the DCCC’s interference in races and letting it go unchallenged, by supporting Blue dog or DINO candidates is a winning strategy.

Despite the appeals to an ever rightward

Just once I’d like a left-leaning person to stand up and say, “I’m not going to apologize because you’re not really offended and are just trying to generate outrage to score political points.”

To be clear, Bee did not imply that Ivanka fucks her dad. She implied that Ivanka’s dad wants to fuck Ivanka, which Ivanka’s dad has himself implied. 

“Clueless about what’s going on in the administration she’s bafflingly part of” is an interesting defense.

As a woman, I actually feel it’s more misogynist that people can go around calling people dicks, cocks, dickhead, asshole, etc. but make one mention of a slang term for the female anatomy and suddenly you’ve said the worst thing you can say. It’s really weird to me that cunt retains this taboo when bitch, whore, slut,

Because Gawker likes to pretend it’s a paragon of social justice. But when I point out the racism, I get kicked to the greys.

It’s disappointing that Bee caved so quickly. One woman calling another woman a derogatory term for women is way different than a white person calling a black person a term that implies all African-Americans are subhuman.

Yes, Samantha Bee is the epitome of white feminism. Anybody claiming to enjoy her work is immediately suspect of being a racist.

Ivanka isn’t a cunt. She lacks the depth and the warmth

One notes that the outrage is about calling her a cunt, not that Trump wants to fuck his daughter.

I was hoping that the comments would just be, “NO!” “NO!” “Yeah...”

“Find a new hobby and leave them alone.”

Thank you for providing an explanation everyone who is not a chud already knows.

“In bed with Islam” is not an accurate representation of... well, anything. Progressives in the U.S. tend to defend Islam on the basis that Islam gets unfairly attacked all the time.

Ignoring everything else including Bill Maher’s idiocy etc., Christianity and Islam are targeted by anti-religion folks because they’re the most dominant religions by population on earth, and basically the 2 most influential as it relates to global society.

I’m pretty sure you meant to say that you don’t even own a tv