
Oh please, employee safety? These are people working in “production lines”, not the office. Ford, GM, and others all have a similar level of injuries. Do you see any media targeting them?
OHSA has not given any judgment, but media has “build” the narrative of evil elon how oppresses workers.
This is propaganda, not news.

Of course you’re against him, he’s calling out the fucking atrocious state of journalism. He is dead right about the people losing faith and you’ll attack him for it. I wonder how long before he’s painted as an alt right Nazi.

This is a perfect example of why you shouldn’t immediately crucify someone until all the facts are out. Innocent until proven guilty.

It seems the shit with Aziz has blown over as well. It helps that there have not been any follow up accusations against either of them. In both cases, my thought is they were a combination of misread queues and alcohol rather then malicious acts of sexual misconduct. The #metoo purest will say there is no difference

The general public just isn’t as fanatical about the inerrancy of abuse claims as particular media heavyweights have been. The accusations against George Takei and Aziz Ansari for instance just didn’t add up, and they rightly had strong defenders. I am very glad that this Scott Brunton turkey has been revealed as a

Oh God, just fucking stop. Stop giving the away the entire fucking argument to people who want to blame video games for mass shootings. I don’t care if it’s insensitive. So was Postal. It has nothing to do with what’s in good taste. It has everything to do with how these demands for “sensitivity” every time a game, or

Jeffrey Tambor ALLEGEDLY harassed people on the set of transparent.

I left a really well-paying job because I was getting migraines every other weekend from how toxic it got. Got a badly-paying, ridiculously busy but fun and stimulating, having to get up at 6am internship with a 2 hour commute. My mates said it was like seeing a whole new me. In a previous job, just having a new

Some people (who are in charge) actively think that treating people like shit is one of the perks they have earned by dint of being “in charge”. And, it’s not - I finally reported my bosses’ verbal abuse late last year, after a couple of years suffering in silence, thinking “that’s just the way it is”. She was

How dare someone honestly relay their experience with something when asked!

Nah, screw that. The vast majority of the world lives in utter poverty and you and I make hundred times more than they do and we can still not enjoy our jobs. Just because somebody makes more than you do, doesn’t mean that they can’t be unhappy with their job or work environment.

Whaddia know, a nuanced take that shows empathy for the harassers but still doesn’t minimize the impact on the victims.

I don’t see any reason why they can’t continue being artists. Now, whether they’re popular artists or not is up to the audience.

the problem is that a shady scam happy group has taken OVER national/global politics

“CBS diplomatically admits killing the wife on Kevin Can Wait wasn’t a great idea”

“In retrospect, he was absolutely grooming me,”

Is this the new normal now? Someone gets accused of something and they are automatically guilty, regardless of facts.

So, treat people the way you experience them and do not treat them based on what you’ve heard about them from other people? Crazy!

If you follow Kim Kardashian West, Amber Rose, or other such reality star-entertainers on Instagram

Paul Kids don’t die they multiply