
*Prince Ruprecht peeks out from behind the bushes*

I was with you until that last, childish, dick-move line.

I dunno, maybe stop blaming mental illness for stupidity?

I dunno, maybe stop taking a clearly mentally unhinged man so seriously as a political pundit?

Son, I’ve 360 sniped in Tank in 1980. That’s back when games were named for what you were doing. Tank, Boxing, Skiing, etc. Don’t even start with the “been around since...”.

Yes, I don’t give a damn that nobody gets them anymore, my OCD demands I make classic Simpsons references on the AV Club and make classic Simpsons references I shall do.

Here’s the full joke, since you can’t be bothered to google it:

Maybe listen to, or look at a transcript of what was actually said before treating us to your performative feminism?

She didn’t insult her appearance at all. If you think she did that’s on you and you’re buying into what these assholes want you to believe. Her use of “perfect smoky eye” was saying that it was created from the ashes of truth burning and that was it in regards to appearance.

The “heart of things” in a show about defending the American homeland Israel. REALLY MAKES YOU THINK HUH

They don’t have to be democrats, but they really shouldn’t be republicans.

“I was a virulent supporter of Hillary”

Oh. Did I miss the news that Cosby’s trial was the end of accountability of misogyny. That the conversation was wrapped and it was deemed “only a black person problem.”

Almost as if Clinton had some kind of governmental action against him... I was only in my late 20's then, so its hazy. I remember his wife having the

What’s the point in arguing with you? You’re either mentally ill and unhealthily fixated on being a clod all over this site, or you’re paid to muddy conversations. Fuck off and/or get help.

Thank you!

“How, then, are they supposed to represent their client?... Were they supposed to hold back, and be guilty of malpractice? Were they supposed to be nice to their client’s accusers while in the middle of a very specifically adversial system that we’ve essentially been using since the Romans? Let me know if you ever

Yeah! How dare they represent someone accused of a crime. What do they think this is some sort of representational democracy where the accused have the right to due process?

“I hope someone closes off the sewers around the courthouse so his lawyers can’t slither back to where they came from.”

I actually spent the better part of an afternoon in a google wormhole researching this very subject. According to my very limited and imprecise studies, transportation of perishables had reached a state of development such that bananas could commonly be found at street vendors right around the time the silent film era

“Finally, regardless of where anyone may stand re: Chappelle’s transphobic comments, if this is truly a racially motivated attack it’s still reprehensible; ergo, even if you think Chappelle is a bigot, this is still wrong.”