
She tried and succeeded.

Hey guess what? There’s a raccoon out on the patio.

The video, with body footage removed:

That’s because there is still 2 weeks ‘till christmas according to the Julian calendar.

Is she heavier than wood?

Joke’s on them. I use the ‘wow’ emoji for funny news and male enhancement ads intead of ‘like’.

Will I still be able to get ‘extra olives’?


If we had a better electoral system she would have done worse, to better candidates, and we would be looking back at our LOTE days and laughing at them.

You’re right, I’m sure the 3rd stringers currently starting in a third of the league are better QB’s than Kap.

What do other food bloggers have to say about it?

Think that was welding not soldering.

Oh shoot I forgot to fill it in before posting :(

Oh, the [government entity], the ones who [did stupid thing]. Such a great plan to have them [do good thing] I tell ya.

Not sure what ‘08 guidelines you are talking about, but the Title II classification was done because courts decided that without it, most of the FCC’s existing (2010) guidelines were not enforceable.

I thought it was just part of the joke but i looked her up and she actually was on the apprentice.

Your lazy cynicism has a much better chance of tipping the scales, I’m sure.

Perhaps she’s trying to make amends for starring in that war & torture porn film.

Ask them for baseball cards.

Q was/were god, or human’s conception of such. All powerful and omniscient. You could say it was TNG’s nod to the idea that higher powers may exist.