
You have angered the Picard and we all may suffer for it

“analysis of media coverage of the election has shown that “Clinton’s emails” took up four times more space than any stories about Donald Trump’s “gross behavior.” Strange, that.”

Party above all! There are good reasons neither should run in 2020, but “betraying the party” in this Franken matter isn’t one of them.

You speak in strange whispers

Like what Disney has done with folk tales?

I can’t harass you right now, this cab driver is dropping some wisdom for me.

I wonder if his parents had any children that lived.


Gratuitous nudity? No such thing.

Should be Rihanna

Maybe instead of appointing former lawyers from the industry who are at the top of the drink the corporate kool-aid ladder and likely don’t know that much about how it works, appoint engineers and planners who actually know the industry.

Lena Dunham must stand by her objectively false twitter tweet forever, lest she be considered a hypocrite. Since people can’t gain a more realistic and nuanced view of the world through experience, any hyperbolic statement or tweet must forever guide your future opinions.

Tech bros are white, male, and awful. Don’t bring your ‘well, actually’ into our 2 minute hate, pal.

Your reasonable response has no place on the internet.

Yea, protestations 0f innocence must wait until the mob mentality is over, to do otherwise would be improper.

If Johnny Cash released Man in Black today instead of ‘71 I bet he would be boycotted by by the ass-song loving country music crowd.

If you find yourself streaming on the can, you should eat less fiber.

After one box of Chicken in a biscuit I’ve had enough, but I could eat Sociables all day.

If it’s not curated by humans it will never be appropriate for kids.

Leaks from the W admin were ok but once O came in leaks were bad again. Publishing the leaks from the Hillary campaign was the bridge too far and now we must vehemently hate Wikileaks. That Wikileaks communicated with a Trump proves our hatred is appropriate and helps to reinforce it.