
I heard you like pyramids?

Someone should give that woman an apple.

I think the problem is that they stopped offering “extra olives”.

I told every house we stopped at to make my kid clean their house a bit to get their piece of candy. Then I broke off a small piece each time and gave it to the kid and ate the rest while they watched. Never too early to teach them about capitalism.

I’m worried what will come out about the HBO CEO of Tits

Probably well after they chip off the faces of Stone Mountain.

Now playing

Because Michael Bay is a stickler for the legal intricacies.

I think your percentages are optimistic, but even if they are right on, that 95% still operate within a system that incentivizes and rewards the mischief and misery causing.

Remember how there is always an uproar when politicians come and give talks to employees at businesses?

“It’s hard.”

I’m not one to know what is or isn’t the new hip millenial terms, but concern trolling is an actual thing. It seems a bit non-sequitur to say that since there are some milquetoast famous liberals, therefore ‘concern trolling’ as a term should be retired.

Neither myself nor Michael Moore live in a social democracy, so, yes? Your guess as to what I was saying is wrong, but thanks for trying. I find your fixation with Moore not toppling the Bush administration rather odd, and your comments on this article to verge on concern trolling.

Are you new to capitalism?

Funny, I don’t recall that. Some google searching did not find it for me either.

*uncomfortable silence*


“Apple has also cut “foul languages and references to vaginal hygiene” from some of its Carpool Karaoke episodes.”

So the cereal box illustration is a statement on the hedonism and privilege of white corn pops, as well as the use of bootstrap capitalism messaging as a form of social control and a means of reinforcing societal racism.

Coldplay is a poor man’s The Chainsmokers.