
“This also makes Valkyrie the first openly LGBTQ character”

Trick question. Thetans are immortal and exist outside of the space-time continuum. (and make-believe, not that it needs pointing out)

Serenity now, eh?

Know who else had a narrative? The prosecutors in the Avery trial.

GOP 2017: Occasionally one of us shows a glimmer of being a sentient human.

It’s common knowledge that Texas is the reason that the president’s dead. Though I’m sure the conspiracy theorists will slurp up these documents like a dry desert soaking up the rain.

The bigger issue seems to be the NDA rather than private settlement. I can’t think of many things more harmful for a victim than saying sorry, but you can’t talk about it. If they were just will-not-sue agreements instead of NDA’s, and the NDA’s were made unenforceable that seems like a much better idea.

Comedy is subversive, which is the opposite of conservative.

Reads article about Ted Cruz, says “Ted Cruz sucks.”

I thought only monkeys did that.

The one wearing sneakers that is a former professional wrestler, and the only one crossing his legs like he has testicles.

The one wearing sneakers that is a former professional wrestler, and the only one crossing his legs like he has testicles.

stupid kinja keeps posting twice

Hyde Park is pretty rough. It birthed the Chicago Boys, after all.

“We’ve abandoned these people. THAT should be a national outrage, but we don’t talk about that, Trump and YOU use this tragedy as political ammunition.”

“We’ve abandoned these people. THAT should be a national outrage, but we don’t talk about that, Trump and YOU use this tragedy as political ammunition.”

I’ve also been on Twitter since 2009, but for me it hasn’t been a hellscape. That’s mainly because when I say ‘on Twitter’, I mean I signed up for an account and then never used it.

I think you missed the second video from the show, which took place in..........the south side. I think you actually missed the first video as well, since I didn’t see any disingenuous arguments, nor did I see an argument that ignored the crime in the city. If I’m being objective, your comment is more disingenuous

I think you missed the second video from the show, which took place in..........the south side. I think you actually missed the first video as well, since I didn’t see any disingenuous arguments, nor did I see an argument that ignored the crime in the city. If I’m being objective, your comment is more disingenuous

probably not Europe, since Russia is in Asia.