
-Haven’t seen or talked to my family 5 years
-Jailed my dad
-My siblings can’t find jobs
-Revoked my passport
-International arrest warrant
-My family can’t leave the country
-Got Death Threats everyday
-Got attacked, harassed
-Tried to kidnap me in Indonesia

Someone knows where their crab rangoon is coming from.

I thought he might last at least one more game, but if all those rumors I’d been hearing about Dabo and other his other offers were true then the only way to get Dabo locked up was to let Gruden go now.

Boo fuckin’ hoo! Try working as a computer graphic artist for twenty years! Somedays my button finger is killing me and I wonder how I’ll get through the day, to work in pain, on the verge of tears, trying to understand how things got to this point, and yet, somehow, someway, I persevere.

What if a hornless unicorn and a wingless Pegasus mated? My mind just exploded.

Bills fan here. To be fair to Peterman, he was thrown in an awful situation in Buffalo both when replacing Tyrod Taylor (as a rookie) and then as a starter/placeholder for Josh Allen in his 2nd year...Then proceeds to list all the reasons why he’s a terrible NFL QB”

However, regardless of this investigation’s outcome, the fate of the lamb has already been sealed and it will be sent to slaughter once the PEDs are out of its system.

She’s scoring a lot of points, but averages less than an assist per game. I’m sure her coaches would like to encourage her to spread the ball around more, but she’s probably not used to having teammates who are also capable of scoring. Therefore, Han shoots first.

Pretty Biased, I’d say.

Huizenga’s just bluffing. There’s no way he’ll gut the team. They just need to do a little better in attendance and they’ll be able to keep their pla—ah shit, there goes Conine and Alou and Kevin Brown and Bonilla and Sheffield and everyone else.

this is the “why don’t they make the whole plane out of the black box??!?” of NBA analysis

(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

I have to make the joke here because my wife might smother me with a pillow if I got that song stuck in her head again.

This is actually my third Christmas after Regular Christmas and Robert Kraft Day. What a magical winter. 

Remember people, as always never tweet um insta. 

The cameras were just to make sure Embiid wasn’t living there rent-free.

Still only the second worst McCarthy in Wisconsin history.