
I'm more of a Maslowe's Hierarchy of Guys guy myself. 

Then that trash shouldn’t be on a football team.

I don’t like their odds of going 9-4, then running the table as a 14 seed.

Neither team wins another title in our lifetimes. Done.

Fultz so far. Oden’s body broke down and Bennett wasn’t #1 on any draft board outside the Cavs draft room.

You think Silver will let the Knicks join the NBA?

I’m a better man because I have now seen this gif.

Buxton can’t get hurt slamming into the wall if there is no wall.

As a Twins fan, I’d really like us to take a shot on Keuchel.  The team looks like it could be special, and I don’t trust our pitching staff to hold up without upgrades.

Hide your Campbell’s.

When you’re getting outclassed by the fucking Mets, you’re doing everything wrong.

Let's Forget Some Guys

I like their fried chicken.

Good thing we have him locked down for 4 years at the GDP of a small country. Wouldn’t want to miss out on this talent.

The Wolves have been a team for 30 years and made it out of the first round once.

Lebron ate a burrito pre-game and is just being respectful.

Booker seemed like he wanted no part of tonight’s game. He was maybe the 3rd best player for the Suns tonight (which, how? It’s the fucking Suns!), and picked up his first tech from the bench in the 2nd quarter cause he needed to f-bomb the refs when they called a foul on Minnesota.  Booker was baffling tonight.

these underachieving franchises

I hate this Wolves team.  Losing happens, but show the fuck up to work.

When I was a kid my dad would drill a small hole in the side of these buckets and we’d use them to water trees.