Television's Reginald Vel Johnson

Real tough talk when it’s obvious Chuck hasn’t touched a green in decades.

Tough decision. His heart is between a rock and a hard place.

Damn it, people, can you please try harder than “Wait, his name is TENNYS?” Make a fucking joke! I mean just off the top of my head, I could go with:

I Googled “SandpiperAir.”

I am blown away by the amount of people who don’t think this is petty on Pierce’s side. I’m not sure how a video tribute during a timeout hampers your ceremony after the game but clearly many people do. I don’t care enough to argue about it, but I was genuinely shocked by how many people agree with Paul.

You’re going to get a lot of well-deserved shit for this comment. But I’m going to stay positive and just congratulate you for restraining yourself by not using a racial slur!

“We clapped for Adam Jones AND Isiah Thomas last night! CHECKMATE, LIBTARDS.”

“Well, you see, we couldn’t throw at the other guy because it would look bad after our fans yelled racist things at him”. Baseball at its finest.  

Because people want to believe that the working class is a group of skilled laborers rather than the reality of most of them working in retail.

“These people have awful names.”

Not as embarrassing as getting owned by a Ted Cruz intern.

They also need to tone down the moral arguments. The middle of the country is ready for change. They need to start explaining how little the GOP has really done for the middle of the country. Farmers need NAFTA and trade deals. Mexico is set to destroy our corn exports by switching to South American imports.

They aren’t making any more MLB teams anytime soon. If you’re a billionaire, there may only be one or two chances a decade to purchase one. I feel like these things are more vanity projects for some owners than business decisions made for their yearly expected profit.

Not from kicking dogs.

Looks like the Sixers finally figured out a way to have the product they put out on the court actually sell tickets.

Chardee MacDennis isn’t top 5?!

In OBJ’s defense, the grounds crew member kept telling him that he’s “not just a member of the grounds crew, he’s also a part owner of the team”.

Where can I read more of this?