
So you’re saying that pee celebration was all for nothing?

‘Get me Jon Gruden!’

If the Mets medical staff were in charge in Barcelona the headline would be, “13 People Run Over in Barcelona Expected to Be Good to Go Tomorrow.”

I’m mostly impressed that he managed to offend pretty much every single marginalized group: women, Jews, LGBTQ, etc. While it isn’t here, I’m sure dude has said a few things about POC, too.

Less impressive than Chris Bosh’s cameo:

The only Boog Powell that matters in baseball today:

i doubt Jamie is dead, otherwise they would have barbequed him there and then. I think because Bronn surprised him he probably had the wind knocked out of him so it’s kinda in a stunned slow decent in the water. Then he’ll regain himself and swim back up. Either that or he is now a prisoner of Dany’s.

I literally laughed out loud reading this.

I think being pissed off about an incorrectly and erroneously applied tax is both fair and inherently American.

Eyewitness reports: comedian still telling jokes. More at 11.

Again I feel like a lot of this interpretation is simply looking for a message you wish to be found.

To boost sales, promoters say that, immediately following the fight, Mayweather will face McGregor in a spelling bee.

You should also respect @AgeEighty’s right to be entirely correct. :)

Sorry but this is a horseshit opinion. Coke Zero tastes a lot different from Diet Coke, it’s sweeter and has that spicy, slightly citrusy flavor to it like Coca-Cola whereas Diet Coke does not. (The “base formula” of Coke Zero is the original Coke formula whereas the base formula of Diet Coke was and is the New Coke

To be fair, Rose should at least be able to replace Irving’s performance on the defensive end of the court.

*receives pink slips*

It was a joke.

Can’t blame a guy for realizing that the road to Eastern Conference finalist/sacrificial lamb goes through Kristaps Porzingis now imo

Kyrie Irving to Paris Saint Germain.

This disgraceful show by all involved is an embarrassment to the quiet dignity and grace with which boxing has always carried itself. Don King must be spinning in his grave.