
These GSW fans are learning from Boston fans: always be angry and self-righteous after your team wins.

If you think Tiger Woods is in bad shape, you should just see what Earl Woods looks like now.

WARNING: Exactly seven days after you watch this video of Jose Berrios throwing breaking balls, you will die.

If he is having trouble with his accuracy again, he should try placing one hand against the bathroom wall, and really lean into it.

“Get this Lavar Bell fellow on the phone. He’s my new Director of the FBI.”

Well, I suppose being an FBS school is better than being just a BS school.

Next year Francona will plow Kevin Cash’s wife as a goof.

“Congratulations to both of you lovely ladies on your new savings account with Wells Fargo, Mr. Chavez!”

Shortly after this picture was taken, Penn State kicker Joey Julius admitted himself for treatment of his eating disorder for the third time.

I love lamp.

The Blind Side Hustle.

Charlie Strong won’t stand for this judge’s weak sauce.

“Mr. Gobert, welcome to the Fyre Festival.”

Why the Yankees aren’t already playing The People’s Court theme whenever Judge comes to the plate is beyond me.

You should create a sub-reddit for massive dongs that destroy old lady face.

All I know is that I’m not a racist.

“Fack ya trofee, bro!”

“Nope, I’m not injured. That’s all a bunch of liberal bullshit. Also, I’m now 14 feet tall and weigh 800 pounds.”

Fake homer

Somebody give Mac Daddy Santa the number for a good Social Security Disability lawyer (the one with the billboard above Aaron’s Furniture).