
This proves once and for all that sabremetrics is bullshit.

“He wasn’t asking for two helmets that can pass as game-used, he was simply asking for two used helmets which have the quality of being game, with “used” meaning no longer in absolutely brand new condition, and “game” meaning “plucky or having a fighting spirit.” I’m glad we cleared this matter up, and there is no

+1 Larry Brown

I’m not sure that guy’s heart is really into it.

Smoke a doobie, man!

Hit the weight room, jabroni.

“This Romo kid is going to be the next Steph Curry. Dammit, if only we hadn’t already traded Demarcus Cousins....”

He’s right, we’re so lame!

A wall joke.

Can we stop coke-shaming this kid? Jeez, what a bunch of puritans.

“I asked for Mickey Mantle’s number, but all I got was Lou Gehrig’s disease.”

Just wait until the gong hits, and Bill Belichick is holding the Undertaker’s urn on the way to the ring.

Please stop posting old articles as new stories just for additional clicks.

“The white man’s burden is to continuously win basketball games on behalf of their far less-athletic, less-talented African brethren.”

Devin “Devin Booker” Booker

2 out of 10 stars. Would not watch.

Mike Mayock got a raging boner watching this film.

This is a solid, appropriate temperature take.

I just thought those sidewalk bumps were a Walk of Fame star for Stevie Wonder.