
It’s hard to understand, with so much awfulness in the news, which genuinely seems to be record breaking awfulness, why anyone would want to watch people be assholes.

Love is mediocre manic pixie tired nonsense somewhat elevated by Gillian Jacob’s charm.

Yep, it’s not as sexy as impeachment, but winning in 2018, making him a fast lame duck, then kicking his ass in 2020 is at least realistic.

I’ve been on the other side of this.

I’ll be shocked if this passes. If this would just impact MOC then it would definitely pass. Put since this will impact white men the republicans will say no. I look forward to republicans saying they can kill without a gun.

Pioneer? Really? Isn’t she just Sandra Lee but on a ranch?

How does owning/buying land make one a pioneer? OK has been a state since 1907.

First of all, I mention that she’s the second-largest employer in her area. Second of all, this.

A lot of the grumbling comes because she’s selling this “aw shucks” rural lifestyle to people who have no clue that her version of rural life is so vastly different from the rural reality of most other farm/ranch wives. She’s inauthentic, and though she puts on a down home image she’s incredibly privileged (see above:

Look man, I’m very angry with Dave Coulier.

So you currently work the cash register for Mommy and Daddy, and back when you worked the drive-thru window you assumed that all your colleagues were fucking in the bathroom. Got it.

Don’t worry, we know you’re one of the few good ones. There’s got to be a few good ones in Alabama.

What’s next? Murder?

Who knows? Occasionally I disagree with the author of the article, but so does everyone else.

It makes no sense. I started looking for their actual ages last night and never found anything affirmative on Mary’s age, there are 2 gospels that don’t mention Joseph at all. There was an article in the Times today that said Mary’s age is never stated in the Bible. There are writings that say that Joseph was eighty

The Bible doesn’t explicitly say whether or not Mary was asked for her consent, but she’s presented as considering it a great honour and joy to carry Jesus. Of course, all the Gospels were written by men and many decades after the event, so they probably didn’t get a first-hand account from the woman herself.

And why aren’t we stoning people for eating shellfish since it’s supposed to be an abomination?

When I heard that comment, I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that it sounded like the death knell of the republican party as we know it. You can’t go any farther down the rabbit hole than this.

I need a favor from all of you who know me from my commenting and maybe follow me or want me to continue to participate in the commenting threads. Jezebel suddenly and without explanation turned me from ungreyed (as I have been for a year) and then greyed me. I have no idea why. I have 109 followers, including many

Haha, I am just delighting in this schadenfreude (sp)!! But the coverage is ridiculous. CNN is now doing a recap of Bill Clinton’s sexual assault. With photos from the 90s